Saturday, November 16, 2019

Market Crash Begins Day After New Years Day: January 2,3: BAM Day 1 Month Later

I do believe that the 1234 graphic is referring to Wednesday January 1, Thursday January 2, Friday January 3 and Saturday January 4.

Something probably happens on New Years Day to cause the market turmoil. I now believe BAM day will occur on or about Thursday January 30 through Monday February 3 (in 2020)...or days 30,31,32,33,34. The 32 and 33 side by side and they are just drawing to many "V's" in the sky. This scenario literally puts the 2 and 3 at very near importance. As February = 24 or 6 2/1 becomes 6/1.

If I am right on all of this then I think the top will probably occur right around 12/24 or when the center of the huge "V" occurred last year.

There are but few times that Wednesday will fall on the First, and I believe this is what the graphic below was talking about the whole time.

If BAM day is centered around February 1 or 21 then it makes sense for 1/2 to be an important day.

Again, do not use my timing for plans for your safety. You should already be well away from major and minor rivers that are downstream from reservoirs.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Top On 78: This Is The 1987: Day 322 and Day 323: 11/18 11/19 Top Then Crash

18 Plus 19 = 19. 322 Plus 323 = 78. This is the 1978 I do believe. And if you look at the graphic below you can see that all that needs to be done is to slide the numbers over to the left one spot and it all matches up. The Final top will be a 1 (19) then 234 Crash on Friday, 11/22/2019.

Top = 33. 11/19/2019 = 33.

I am also convinced that the story below first was published on 8/11/2017. I believe the top on Tuesday will be at 28000, just below it or just above it. It should be 279, 280 or 281.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Today, November 14, 2019 Should Be All Time High: Crash On 11/22

Note: Even thought the difference between yesterday's high and close is only 22.81 points, do not be surprised if today's close falls in between those two numbers, never going above yesterday's high making yesterday the all time intra day high and today the all time closing high. We will have to wait and see. It would make perfect sense to be a 1314 pair of highs.

The Twin Tops on Monday and Tuesday this week were simply a stepping stone toward the all time closing high, which should be today, Thursday, November 14, 2019.

Today's numbers equal 118 just like Trump's election day. It is day 318. It is a Thursday, exactly 4 weeks before 12/12/2019.

The all time intra day high preceding today was last Thursday, 11/7/2019. "November 14" = 45. "V" = 4 and 5 or 45 just as X = 1 and 24.

The huge "V" ended last 12/24. The Bullhead WV center was on Monday, June 3.

Here is what is VERY, VERY, VERY important: The center of the huge "V" ended on 12/24, two days after the Full Moon. November 14 or today, is two days after the full moon.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

It's All About The 78 And The Twins: And The 78 And Twin Tops Just Happened!!!

...coming, but the top is likely in, if not it will be by Friday. The market likely begins to crash today, or within the next 9 days or on Friday, 11/22/2019

All of the highs should be in. The all time intra-day high was last Thursday, 11/7/2019. The all time closing high was exactly the same, on two different days. Monday, Tuesday, 11/11/2019 and 11/12/2019. I really do not think that these numbers will be breached.

Monday, 11/11/2019 (7)
Tuesday, 11/12/2019 (8) (One Month exactly before 12/12/2019)

Below is a one day candle of the close on 10/09/2007, which was the closing high of the Bull Market previous to the Bear Market that is previous to the current Bull Market.

Close: 14,164.53 (78...or 6/7 plus 6/14)
Mike Pence Birthday 6/7 (58)
Donald Trump Birthday 6/14 (11)

Below is a one day candle of Thursday, 10/11/2007. This was the all time intra-day high at the time. It was two days after the closing high, leaving a day in between.

Below is a view of the timespan between Thursday, 10/11/2007 and Thursday, 11/7/2019. These are the last two all time intra-day highs within each respective Bull Market.

10/11/2007 = 11/7/2019

It is 630 weeks between intra-day highs and 631 weeks between closing highs.

Below is the time span between closing highs.

Top On November 13,14 or 15: Crash On 11/22: JFK: 1212

When I first saw and discovered that it looked very much like it was going to be a 4 day in November for the crash...I should have studied all of the 4 days, a mistake I make way too often.

I believe this will be the day...11/22/2019, a day that equals 121212 perfectly, and JFK anniversary...and on a Friday to boot. And it equals 11. This is the day I do believe.

I may try to refine or add to this this but I do not think I will need to. Everything in my previous posts line up as the numbers are all almost the same.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Top On November 7,8: Crash On 11/13/2019: 321

The below graphic was click bait to an article that was published on August 12, 2017 (this may sound strange, but I swear that I remember this article being published on 8/11/2017. Could this have happened and Yahoo picked up on it the day after and put that day on it. I don't know, but I do know that I originally saw and posted the ad from CNBC.)

I find it very interesting that November 13 is on a Wednesday. Note the first day here is Wednesday. Also note that the 3 days missing are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday...very interesting considering that 123 also equals 10,11,12. Could something happen on 11/10, 11/11, 11/12...or could something happen today and then a countdown begins till Wednesday. Note that 11/13 = 24. So November 13 is represented below both by 13 and 11/13. Also note that the 3 x's end and then the next day is 4.

Below is the story, to which the above graphic was linked, as it appeared on yahoo. The original publishing of the cnbc story will not google anymore. But you can see that yahoo credited Stephanie Landsman at CNBC. And you can see proof that it was released, on cnbc, on August 12, 2017. (See my above note in that I think this article ran on CNBC on 8/11, which would have been a Friday

You can see below that the timespan between the release of the 123 graphic and story...and November 13, 2019,  that it is 2 years, 3 months, 1 day. 11/13 = 24 or 123 or any combo of. Note also that it is 823 days or 85 or their favorite way to codify "crash". On 10/19/1987 the market fell 508.32 points.
"crash" = 58 and "stock market crash" = 32.

Could the final, all time closing high on the Dow Jones be on the same day that Donald Trump was elected? The "Trump Rally" began on 11/9/2016 at the closing price from the day before...on 11/8/2016.


Beginning Of Trump Rally To End Of Trump Rally On Same Exact Day???

Note below the one day chart, that I have extensively referred to and shown that these numbers would be important, that they would somehow be used in the future. And we will soon find out if indeed the top will be on the numbers listed below.

Note below that the Thursday, Friday November 7,8 top is the mirror of Monday, Tuesday July 15, 16 top. In other words in July the closing high was the first day, the 15th and the intra-day high was the second day or the 16th. In November the intra-day high was the first day or the 7th and the closing high was the second day...or November 8th. Is this telling us that it is finished. Is this mirror image telling us it is complete??? I believe so. If the market makes a new high tomorrow, then obviously all of this will be wrong.

"November" = 4. "November 8" = 48. The close yesterday = 93. (It actually equaled 9696 or 1515, a very important number to which I hope to cover later)

November 13 = day 317. "November 13, 2019" = 11..or 317. 13 = 11.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024