Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday, 2/24/2020 Was The Set Up And Finished A Large "M": Real Crash Coming Next Monday, 3/2/2020

There should be a 122 or 32 candle pattern. The first one was yesterday's long tall red candle. Tuesday through Friday should be sideways to sideways up.

Or: and this is becoming a huge possibility: The market keeps on going down this is why

Tuesday, 2/25/2020 Day 56
Wednesday, 2/26/2020 Day 57
Thursday, 2/27/2020 (294) Day 58 (This one is huge)
Friday, 2/28/2020 (214) Day 59 (This one is more huge)

Saturday, February 22, 2020


"BAM" = 214

In the summer of 2015 through 2016 the below image was clickbait for a made up fictitious company called "Build America Mutual". It was shown on CNBC and other major news websites. Note the 5 twisted red skyscrapers.

The below image was clickbait for an CNBC article that was published on Friday, 8/11/2017.

First note that Abraham Linclon's DOB is 2/12/1809. He was the First Assassinated President. He was shot on 4/14/1865 and died on 4/15/1865. If Trump is number 5 then 4/1 makes sense. Trump is number 45. 4/1/2020 = 45. "April" = 2 so the date becomes 214.

Note below: April 1 in leap year is day 92. You can see "April First" = 11 and "April Fools Day" = 63.

Might Trump Have An Important Date Set Aside On 4/1/2020???
Debbie Reynolds DOB: Friday, 4/1/1932. Note: It IS 1932

Linda Hamilton DOB: Wednesday, 9/26/1956
Mackenzie Davis DOB: Wednesday, 4/1/1987
Arnold Schwarzenegger DOB: Wednesday, 7/30/1947

Updated: Stock Market Crash On Monday, February 24, 2020: Or Stock Market Closed 2/24 - 2/28 Then Opens And Crashes On Monday, March 3/2/2020: Kobe Bryant: Karen Carpenter: June 3, 2019 New Moon

WARNING WARNING WARNING. MONDAY IS 2/24/2020 OR 2424. "April" = 2 and 4.

Note how the below article goes into the October signposts that led to the large "V" that ended on 12/24/2018. "December" = 1. 124 = 241. 1242018 = 224...1. 2/24 is day 55 or 1. This date is pointing to Monday, 2/24/2020 in my opinion.

I will probably not be able to finish this or show you all of the numbers, events and people that mark this date. The market will begin to crash on Monday, 2/24/2020 or something will happen on 2/23 and/or 2/24 that causes world markets to close for a full week. Either way, the market will be crashing on Monday, 3/2/2020. The absolute closing low of the previous bear market, that was the beginning of the current bull market was on Monday, 3/9/2009.

February 24 is day 55

February 23 is day 54. More importantly, the New Moon on 2/23 will be exactly 9 new moon's since the new moon of Monday, June 3, 2019, a very important day.

New Moon On Monday,  6/3/2019

Kobe's number was 24. "Kobe" = 87. "Bryant" = 8. They told you he died in a Helicopter CRASH.

Listed Height: 6'6"; Weight: 212 Lbs.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

It Definitely Looks Like The Top Yesterday Is Directly Related To The Bear Market Low Of Friday, 3/6/2009

I will watch the market today and Monday and then we can tell if there is still another high to come or was the close and high yesterday the stock market top for a long time to come...

Hangman Today Along With Intraday V's, W's, WV's, Bullheads: Gravestone Doji Tomorrow???

Here is the intraday for today, as of close:

And here is the daily 6 month as of close, and as you can see today is a classic hangman candle. Tomorrow, should open lower than today's close, move higher to go even higher than today's high, then go back down to close near the open, and below yesterday's close. This would give us closing high today and all time high tomorrow, and it would look like a gravestone doji. We shall see.:

Holy Shit: The 3, 123's Will Complete Today Or Tomorrow: W With 1 Is Stand In For The X: Holy Shit

If the market closes today, lower than the close of 1/17/2020 (29,348.10), then I believe there is a high likelihood that the top is complete and the downward move begins on Friday, 2/7/2020 and/or Monday, 2/10/2020.

As of 10:50 AM it looks like they may be drawing a large intraday "W". If they do, and it comes back down below 29348.1 then I believe the crash is days away from beginning, more than likely next Monday.

A large discernible "W" has been drawn today, 2/6/2020, same day as daily chart "W" is completing. Same day as all time intra-day far

Looks like 2/6/2020 and 2/7/2020 Possible two day top (days 37 and 38)

Possible crash on Wednesday, 2/12/2020 (234)

They are actually or have already drawn 2 WV's today. Could this be pointing to 2/12 and/or 3/11???

Does this mean top is in and down turn begins. It may, it may not. Either way, the crash is only a short time away as the 3 X's (W's with a 1) are complete.

Bare minimum predictor here is that after the 3 123's are complete the rally is over. So does this mean that the top is in. I don't know. You would think so. The rest of the day today and tomorrow will probably determine this.

Note below that the last X is on a Friday. Note also that a blank four falls next, but without a label for the day. "Crash" = 4. 2020 = 4. The article was published on 8/11/2017. Trump was selected on 11/8. 8/11/2017 was on a Friday.

Clickbait For CNBC Article Published On 8/11/2017

The completion of the 3 123's does not mean the top is in. But, read the headline above. If the rally's day's are numbered by this third W-1 (X) would that not mean that the top will be in. Could it mean that the rally will only continue for a short time afterward...I guess so, but it would make more sense that after the last W-1 that the move is down. We shall see no later than Monday more than likely.

Note below on this last W-1 that the closing high so far is at the left pinnacle, and that the intra-day high so far is today on the far right pinnacle. If it closes today below 1/17 then this will make it a twin top, with each being one of the W's pinnacles. This would be very important indeed.

DOW Chart As Of 2/6/2020 Midday

LMAO: Novel Coronavirus: They Are Telling You It Is A Scam...And Rubbing It In Your Face

Novel or a SCAM or A CHEAP LIE

Novel Coronavirus...A Big Fat Fictitious Story...Scam...Lie...BULLSHIT

Finally The 123: Finally The 23: Top On Day 71, Wednesday, March 11: Crash Following Weekend On Friday, March 13, 2020: I Had It Wrong: October 29 = March 20

Here Is What Is Going To Happen Case Closed Finally

Here is where the entire scenario below could be wrong. It could be that the top is almost here, as in it happens today and/or tomorrow and then goes sideways to sideways down and then crashes beginning 3/12/2020. It is one of these two scenarios but the below scenario seems most likely to me.

At the end of February there is going to be a lot of hoopla about whether or not the Dow goes to 30, 000. It will occur at end of February. If it happens in February then Monday, 2/24/2020 will likely be the day. 

There are two astrological signs (and they built astrology, and it is an important part of their BS numbering schemes and predictors), that represent or are represent by the number two, or that represent duality or twin. One is Pisces and the other is Gemini. (I am far from  being an astrology expert but Pisces represents two more so than twin. It actually represents two, going in opposite direction most clearly. If the market makes an all time high and then goes in the other direction???... well then...) Pisces is a water sign as well (Water flows downhill only, unless you intervene with some sort of pump. Think about this: they have been pumping up this market, and on 3/11 during a water sign they are going to turn the pump off and let the water go freely downhill!!!). More importantly 3/11 to 6/14. Note the timespan below:

March 11 To Trump's Birthday
I now believe that BAM day, the great attacks on our country (and possibly others as well) will occur during two calendar dates: 9/11/2020 and 9/12/2020 or 923. I believe the attack will begin on East Coast time of 9/12 and West Coast time of 9/11.

The closing all time high will be within 100 points of 30, 332.74. I believe it will be a 303 handle though and very close to the above number, which will be exactly 12000 points total for "The Trump Rally". I think it will go past 30, 332.74 and the closing high will be between there and 30, 400. I think that the intra-day high on 3/9 will likely break through 30,400. 

The Dow will break through 30,000 in the 3rd month of 2020 (don't be surprised if it is on 3/3...or it could break through 30,300 on 3/3).

The intra-day low of previous bear market was Friday, 3/6/2009. The intra-day high of the current bear market will be on Monday, 3/9/2020. (When it happens it will also likely be the closing high (possibly not but I think it will be). Then the closing high (what is counted to the public) will be 2 days later on the 11th.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020. Top will occur on this day. It could be a two day top where the all time closing high and all time intra-day high are on two separate days. If this is the case I believe that March 11 will be day two. The first day could be 3/9 or 3/10 if this is the case. I think it will be a twin top. I believe it will be on 3/9 and 3/11.

(I am going to list all of the important dates and events for the top under here)

Note below the close of 6547.05...or 3/11/2020
Note the low of the day of 6516.86....or 3/11

3/9/2009 = 32 or 311

Closing Low Of Bear Market Number 1

Note below that day one of the two day low was on Friday, 3/6/2009. The close was 6626.94 (33). The low was 6469.95 (3)

Intra-Day Low Of Previous Bear Market
The below Jewish holiday will occur during the full moon that marks the all time intra-day high on the Dow. If one high is on the 9th and other on 11th then this holiday will be sandwiched in between.

Note below that the low of the previous bear market was on a Monday, 3/9/2009. Day's of the year repeat exactly the same every 6 and 11 years. This March 9 will be exactly 11 years or more importantly 132 weeks since the very low of the previous bull market. This would make the present bull market exactly 11 years old on Monday, 3/9/2020.

The "Trump Rally" (156 a term they coined) could not have begun until the day after his election. Tuesday, 11/8/2016 was NOT part of the Trump Rally. If the pinnacle of the Trump Rally happens on 3/11/2020 it would make the Trump Rally go from Wednesday, 11/9/2016 to Wednesday, 3/11/2020. If you include 3/11 in the calculation (and it should be) then it would be 1219 days total.

Note below 11,722.90. This is pointing to the year 2020, or 20 years after.
Closing High Of Bull Market Number 1

Note below the number 14,164.53. This equals 78 or 6. Trump was born on 6/14/1946. Note the relation here. Top = 6. The date is 10/9/2007.
Closing High Of Bull Market Number 2

Intra-Day High Of Bull Market Number 2

Full Moon On March 11, Two Days After Closing Low Of Bear Market Number 1
Full Moon On March 9, Two Days Before Closing High Of Bull Market Number 3

Thursday, March 12, 2020 The Crash Begins

Note below: March 11 = Day 71 This Year It Is A Leap Year

X = 1: 11
X = 6: 61
X = 7: 71

X = 1 Or X = 24 Or X = 124

(I am going to list all of the important dates and events for the crash under here)

First note below that 1929 crash day's of week equals 2020 crash day's of the year, just as 2009 does. (Not the whole year, just the day's involving the 1929 crash.
Crash of 1929 to crash of 2020

Thursday, 3/12/2020 = Thursday, 10/24/1929 (64 or 1)
Friday, 3/13/2020 = Friday, 10/25/1929 (65 or 2)

Weekend 3/14 - 3/15

Monday, 3/16/2020 = Monday, 10/28/1929 (32 or 5)
Tuesday, 3/17/2020 = Tuesday, 10/29/1929 (33 or 6)

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Updated (2): Bullhead/WV/Baphomet Being Drawn Now: Crash Of 1929 = Crash Of 2020

The Greatest Stock Market Crash Of Our Lifetime Will Be A Memorial To 1929, 1987. Those two were the predictors of the Great Stock Market Crash Of 2020

The top so far is 1/17/2020. Trump's inauguration was 1/20/2017...same number.

"February" = 6
"October" = 6

Thursday, 10/24/1929 = Thursday, 2/13/2020
Friday, 10/25/1929 = Friday, 2/14/2020

Monday, 10/28/1929 = Monday, 2/17/2020
Tuesday, 10/29/1929 = Tuesday, 2/18/2020

12/24/2018 = 2/14/2020

Monday, 10/19/1987 = Monday, 2/17/2020

Note The 23's

Michael Bloomberg Birthday is 2/14/1942 (214...214). His ads are everywhere now. His is owner of a major financial firm. This is how they operate.

Michael Jordan birthday is 2/17/1963. (29) The market will likely be at a 29 two digit handle when it rolls over to crash. His primary number was 23 (this number is that of stock market crash). He won 6 championships with the "Bulls". The were 3 then 3. 3 in a row, then a space and then 3 more in a row. He is the poster boy for basketball of all time. This is how they operate. The bull market is coming to a rapid close and the bear market will begin between now and end of February.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024