Sunday, February 21, 2021

Absolute Last Post: President Joe Biden Dies In Crash On Saturday, February 27, 2021: Harris Dies On Or Around Thursday, March 4: Stock Market Crash Begins Between Now And Thursday, 2/25/2021

 There will be no more posts necessary. I can update this one with no more time than is left.

The article below tells it all, along with everything else that has been happening. This most important word or phrase in this article is....apparently it happened on a Saturday

4 Events Are Coming, In Very Close Sequence...

1) Parabolic rise in interest rates and huge Stock Market Crash
2} Trans Alaska Pipeline Destroyed by earthquake or military attack
3) President Joe Biden dies in Marine One or Air Force One on Saturday, February 27, 2021
4) Kamala Harris either dies around same time as Biden or she becomes President and dies around Thursday, March 4, 2021.

Either Biden and Harris die at same time and Pelosi becomes President 47 or Biden dies first. Harris becomes President and then dies around 3/4/2021 and Pelosi becomes President 48.

President Joe Biden will crash and die between Friday, February 26, 2021 and Sunday, February 28, 2021. This, there is no escaping. This is the event. This is the time, day and hour.

The fourth event will lead to the worst of all, the great floods, earthquakes and other man made natural disasters, civil war, and the big daddy of them all....World War 3

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Update: 2/8/2021: 8:50 AM: Major Change And Update: Everything The Same Except Day Of Week: Biden Will Die In Helicopter Crash On 2/17/2021: Michael Jordan's Birthday: Chicago Bulls

Update: 8:50 AM: There is already an "M" on the chart, preceding the "V". It is in the cab. I knew this already, but it still looked like they might make a larger "M" encapsulating the cab, and the "V". They are not. They are going to gap up and away from the whole graphic. The top should be on Wednesday, 2/10 exactly 21 days after the top on 1/20/2021. If not, it will be Friday. When the market opens back up, whatever the close was preceding it, will be the highest it will ever be. The worlds tallest man died at 22, he is never coming back, and there has not been anyone that tall since. It is over my friends.

On Biden's Inauguration day, the various media were showing pictures of past events at the White House and kept showing portraits of John Tyler, 10th President. John Tyler succeeded William Henry Harrison, the President with the shortest tenure...1 month.

"February" = 6. 6/17 = 68. 1984 was released on 6/8/1949 or 6/17/2021...BAM

This is what the 19 and 84 in 1984 stands for:

2/17 = 19; 84 stands for day 48; 8x4 stands for 2021....BAM

"Nineteen Eighty Four" = 13 as does 1984. 2/17 = 1; 48 = 3...BAM

 Not only have they drawn an "V" beside the Blackhawk Helicopter, they have drawn a "Bullhead" on the line chart, and  123 as well. And, if I am right they will finish the next 6 candles into an "M"  for "Michael".

Michael Jordan is from Wilmington, NC. Joe Biden id from Wilmington, DE.

Kobe Bryant's Helicopter crashed on 1/26/2020. Kobe's number was 24. Jordan's number was 23 and 12.

On Wednesday, 2/17/2021 Biden will have been President exactly 4 weeks or 28 days, just like 2/17.

Biden dies on 2/8 or 2/17. At this point I believe it is the 17th....

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Trans-Alaska Pipeline To Be Attacked: Biden's Reason For Being Taken Away Aboard Marine One

 The Trans Alaska Pipeline will be attacked and destroyed on Sunday, February, 7, 2021 very late, possibly on Monday, 2/8.

It is this or an Earthquake. I believe that last two major earthquakes (3/27/1964 and 11/3/2002 were predictors of something horrific happening in Alaska.

Something is going to happen on Sunday and or Monday that caused Joe Biden to quickly be taken somewhere on Marine One. He will perish on this trip.

562 = 58 or 13

All of the sections also have two vents as below, on each side.

2/8 = 1

Day 39 = 3

TA Pipeline Facts:

800 miles long

48" diameter

Crosses Denali Fault

First oil moved through on Monday, 6/20/1977

Alaska Facts:

Good Friday Earthquake 9.2 on Friday, 3/27/1964 (2/7/2015)

Earthquake on Sunday, 11/3/2002 (27, "President Biden", Biden's Election Day)


 Please Keep Checking Back, I will keep updating as I have time

"Blackhawk Down" = 47...4 x 7 = 2/8

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Major Correction: Stock Market Crash Begins Next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: Helicopter Of 63 Flags Being Drawn Now


They are drawing a "Helicopter False Flag" elevated above the rest of the previous chart. It began on 11/9 and will end on 2/9 with 63 candles. Then it will gap down on Wednesday, 2/10/2021 leaving a 63 candle Helicopter. "Helicopter Crash" = 97. 9*7 = 63.

The Dow Close will be with a 30,7 handle where it is right now. It should move sideways for 4 more candles and end with a 30,7 handle.

Joe Biden will die in a "Helicopter Crash", on "Marine One" Sometime between 2/12/2021 and 2/15/2021.

Stock Market Crash Begins Tomorrow, Thursday, February 4, 2021

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Updated 2/3/2012: Friday And Saturday, February 12 And 13: Biden Dies In A Helicopter Crash

Biden's Last Day In Office Will Be President's Day, Monday, February 15, 2021. He will have been President for either 25 or 26 days. I believe that they will argue about it in the news. 

Here is another Blackhawk helicopter crash. It is a scam. It is 3 national guardsmen just as was in New York ON INAUGURATION DAY.

This happened on 2/2/2021. The New York Crash was 1/20/2021.

1/20/2021 - 2/2/2021 = 13 days

2/2/2021 - 2/15/2021 = 13 days

Monday, February 1, 2021

The Beginning Of The End Is Here: Do Not Be Surprised If Grid Goes Down Tomorrow: It Will Go Down Before 2/28/2021

 A link to the story is below the graphic but the graphic is all that you need. It is a play on words, and it is also literal. Also notice below the main graphic in the list, the first line on the list is "The people who will re-enter society last"

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024