Friday, June 18, 2021

Updated: Emergency Warning! Hawaii Volcano Eruption: Alaska Earthquake And Pacific Tsunami: Trans Alaska Pipeline Destroyed: First Lady Jill Biden Dies: All Within Two Weeks

 Alaska Is State Number 49. Hawaii Is 50.

Update: June 20, 2021: 2:30 AM: The two primary dates in the upcoming Pacific Ocean - Ring Of Fire Destruction should be....Thursday, Friday June 24, 25 2021

Note the "False Flag = 24" attack began at 7:48 AM or 15 just like "Hawaii" and "Wave"

6/24/2021 = 35. 12/7 is day number 341 and leaves 24 days till the end of year.

6/24/2021 = 665 or 35 or 8.

D Day was on day 157 (13 or 4 just like D). It was on a full moon.

The total number of Lunar Months between 6/6/1944 and 6/24/2021 is 953.

Jon Voight's daughter, Angelina Jolie was born on June 4 (6*4 or 24). The year was 1975. June 24 is day 175!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ned Beatty just died, on Sunday, June 13, 2021. He was born on July 6 (76). His very first film role was the movie "Deliverance". He was the one that got raped, told to "squeal like a pig".

June 24 is day 175 or 13. 24 + 25 = 67. His death is a message....that....


The Headline below is all that you need. This is how THEY OPERATE.

Matthew 24 has been underway for some time, however it is in verses 6 and 7 that is getting ready to go into OVERDRIVE.

Carly Simon DOB: June 25, 1945're_So_Vain

The eclipse referenced in her song "You're So Vain",_1972

I will be updating this post and posting more on this and related subjects over the coming days...IF I HAVE TIME.

Here is a synopsis of what is getting ready to happen:

1. There will be at least one major volcanic eruption on the big island of Hawaii, most likely beginning tomorrow, June 19, 2021. Sometime between June 19 and June 28 the situation will deteriorate and the eruptions will get very, very bad and explosive.

2. Sometime after the eruptions get worse there will be one or more major (over 9.2...likely 10) earthquakes in Alaska. This will result in a deadly tsunami that heads towards Hilo, HI.

3. The Trans Alaska Pipeline will be destroyed or rendered unusable as a result of the Alaska Earthquakes.

4. First Lady Jill Biden will die during this same time period.

Joe Bidens wife, just like his first almost gone, and he will be "Walking Alone" as he did in 1972.

I believe that First Lady Jill Biden will have some sort of accident on Thursday, June 24 (exactly 3 weeks or 21 days after her 70th birthday) and she will die 3 days later on Sunday, (the day of week she was born on) June 27, 2021 or at the age of 70 years and 24 days.

Update - Correction: 6/20/2021: 8:00 AM: After studying Lisa Banes (I waited till after she died, as I knew she would, to begin this post), I believe that Jill Biden will be attacked, or otherwise hospitalized on June 24, 2021, exactly 21 days after her 70th birthday. I believe she will die 10 days later, on Sunday, July 4, 2021. She will be 70 years and 31 days old.

The story below is from today. The headline is all that you need is Joe Biden will have a second chance to say goodbye to his wife (his second wife).

Lisa Banes accident was 6/4/2021 and she died 10 days later on 6/14/2021.

The woman in the video below just died. Her name is Tawny Kitaen.

This was the last eclipse, before the 2017 eclipse to be visible from the USA...and it was only visible from Hawaii, in fact it started over Hawaii. Here is the interesting connection....Sela Ward, who was a star in "The Day After Tomorrow" was also a star in "Gone Girl"

Note that the Hawaii Solar Eclipse was on a Thursday, as is June 24, 2021. Notice all of the numbers. "Hawaii" = 15 or 6. "Wave" = 15 or 6. Hawaii area code is 808.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024