Exposing the lies, the Stock Market Manipulation, and the coming Apocalyptic Mayhem of "The New World Order" that will murder millions of Brainwashed Innocent People.
An unusual Thursday Game Played: Most are Fridays...this is very significant.
Jet Was Found Monday, Evening 9/18/2023 In Williamsburg County, SC
Note the year in the article...2032. Total Bullshit. They would not need to plan 9 years in advance for this....Something is coming in 2023!!!
The Graphic below is obvious. It is telling you what is nearing...the day when whoever is at McDonald's will simply leave. This graphic is showing you an abandoned McDonald's. It is showing you an old McDonald's.
The puddle of soda in center represents the USA. Water on far left is the first thing that will cause this abandonment....A Tsunami, river floods. Everything will be left in a mess, in it's final state when the grid goes down.
This is what is going to go down around October 18, 2023. Washington DC gets attacked. Biden's Helicopter takes him on a wild chase. He ends up over White Sulpher Springs, WV where his helicopter crashes most likely between Interstate 64 and US Highway 60. His death will be confirmed sometime between 10/18/2023 and 10/21/2023.
Then, it becomes where is Harris? Her residence will have been attacked, but she will be unaccounted for. Then, McCarthy is sworn in as President 47. Then, after some period of time Harris appears and demands the Presidency. Over some amount of time in court she wins the Presidency and McCarthy's time as President is wiped and number 47 is given to Kamala Harris.
Civil War and Revolution is coming to USA within weeks