Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Updated: Tribute To 10/19/1987 Two Days In A Row: Crash Tomorrow: 10/11/2019

Note: Once the market begins to crash, I will probably not be making any more updates or posts. I now believe the market crash may very well start tomorrow, 10/11/2019. The Colt's kicker said "you'll hear from me ... tomorrow" "tomorrow" = 11. It is 123. It will be 18 days before 10/29. I think that the candle pattern since the snout/flag may actually not be one. If it goes down and closes over 100 points lower today, then more than likely the crash starts tomorrow.

Here is the important part: They are the exact same numbers. Only the 4 and 1 are switched. And you do not believe the market is manipulated every single day???

10/08/2019 Numbers: 26164.04

10/09/2019 Numbers: 26346.01

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024