Thursday, January 16, 2020

Changed On 1/20/2020: Stock Market Top On Friday, 1/24/2020: Crash On Valentines Day, Friday, 2/14/2020: BAM Day On Saturday, 9/12/2020

Saturday, September 12, 2020 (Day 256 Because This Is A Leap Year) Is Stand In For Friday, September 13, Which Is Normally Day 256. September 13 Was On Friday In 2019, The Day That Eddie Money Was Murdered By "The Numbers And Bullets Guy"

The Crash Will Happen On "V" Day. On "Valentines Day. I will update this within the next few days to show all of the data and numbers.

Possible Major Change: Could 2/14 be "Crash Day"???

More than likely the top will have a 3 digit handle somewhere between 292 and 301. I realize this is a large gap, however it is very hard to call. With WW3 being the biggest "Manufactured Event" to happen, the DOW will likely at least have a One Digit Handle of 3. It could be that it equals 3 with a 2 and 9 such as 291. We will just have to wait and see.

Here are some of the "Stock Market and Trump" related words and their numerology:

Friday, 1/24/2020 Will Fall On New Moon: If 1/24/2020 is iindeed the top of the market, the a New "Bear Market" will begin on that day, even if it isn't called that until it drops 20% from the top.

Note that 1/24/2020 = 164 or the same numbers as Trump's birthday and birth year. Now note the timespan between these two dates:

Click Bait For Article On CNBC Released 8/11/2017

First of all please read the following post from last year

It is all coming up, slowly but surely. This is it. This is the Grand Plan.

"Black Wednesday" =  129 in Gematria


"October" = 6; "February" = 6

87 = 6; 19 = 19

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024