Thursday, July 30, 2020

Earthquake Coming To Devastate Mexico, Caribbean Islands, Atlantic Coast, Gulf Coast, Possibly Pacific Coast Too: Hurricane Isaias

On every Mad Money show (except one recently that I will post, where they hid the number board the whole show!!!) they show the date (without the year) and then seemingly arbitrary numbers below...which I assure you they are anything but. 

"Orange" = 33; "Red" = 9

32 = 8 x 4. 8/20/2020 = 32. Without the colors the numbers represent 8/20/2020. With the colors they represent "Mexico", "Wave", 8/20/2020, 911.

Now the below makes sense. I have been saying for nearly 3 years that they were going to flood Florida with tidal wave...because that is really the only way as there are no huge reservoirs and rivers to flood as most of the rest of the country.

Hurricane Maria (Spanish, Puerto Rico is Spanish Speaking Country)
"Hurricane Isaias" = 74 or 28 or 8/20 just like the Mexico Earthquake on 6/23/2020

8/20/2020 = 86 or 5. The 5 red skyscrapers represent this date below. I believe "BAM" represents November 4, 2020 (444)

"Tropical Storm" Isaias = 84...or 8/20/2020 (32....8*4 = 32)

The above image is the click bait graphic and the below images is inside the story.
The talking point is that there have been 9 names storms this year verses the average of 1 at this time in a normal year.

9/11 (Emergency on 8/20)

7/30/2020 is probably the most important date before 8/20/2020. It is the trigger day. There are 21 days between 7/30 and 8/20. 7/30/2020 was day 2 of Tisha B'Av'Av

First note below they are drawing a third and final 123 "W" now. I will annotate this later. There were 3 on the left side before Coronavirus BS, and then the large one at the very bottom center, followed by another and now the current one.

1 + "W" = 123 or 15 or "Wave" and "False Flag". If they cause the damage it is a False Flag. It does not matter if they tell you it was  a natural disaster. If they cause it, and they will it is a "False Flag"

Closing numbers, on Tisha B'Av: 26, 313.65; -225.92; - .85%....It is all here:

First 26 = 8;  .65 = 2; 313 = "Earthquake"
225.95 and -.85 =  "Wave" or "False Flag"
All together looks like this: 8729924 or 896 or 8/20/2020

From 7/30/2020 show, below is the very first shot where they show you numbers. The actual numbers are 730 above in orange and 13...37 below in red.

Below they are showing you 73 plus 33 = "Orange" on top for a 133 or "Tsunami".
Also as a side note "on" = 65 or 11.
Below numbers = 11 or 20 or 47 or 820.

It means in total "Tsunami" on 8/20

Below are the second shot of the numbers:

They are showing you on only 13 and 37. Note that it was 7/30 and those numbers are here twice.

Here the 13...37 = 1) 941 or 5 or 86 or 8/20/2020. 2) 133 (7) x (7) or 49. This stands for water. For Florida. "Gulf" = 7336 or just 73.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024