Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Hurricane Josephine OTW To Florida: It Is In The Charts: TD 11: It Is About Joseph, Jacob's 11th Son: Market Crash Probably On August 31 After Going Back To 28,000 On August 20

The fact that 8/22 is still 10 days away, and given how close TD 11 is already, if this is to strike US on 8/22 then it seems to me the path has to alter from what it is showing below. Unless of course it stalls, which it could, cause they can do anything. I think it will change course a little, and once again hit Puerto Rico, then travel into the Gulf where it strengthens further and then strikes Gulf Coast somewhere.


Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
