Friday, October 23, 2020

Urgent - Last Post - There Will Be No Gas After 10/26/2020 - Last Post - Urgent: This Is What Is Getting Ready To Happen


What Is Getting Ready To Happen 


1.       Sometime between Saturday, 10/24/2020 and Monday 10/26/2020 (South Korean Time) North Korea will attack South Korea and or Japan. President Moon Jai-in and Prime Minister Suga will be assassinated. This will occur in between the two full moons in October

2.       Monday, September 26, 2020 Stock market will begin to crash.

3.       The attack will result in Trump’s numbers going up and causing the election to be “neck in neck”.

4.       In between the attacks by North Korea and the election Trump will declare war on North Korea.

5.       Whether or not we actually attack North Korea does not matter. They will tell you this is the scapegoat for us being attacked and our grid being shut down.

6.       On Tuesday, 11/3/2020 the election will never be resolved. Between 9 PM Pacific Time and 12 Midnight Pacific time the grid will be shut down and the election will never have been resolved. The grid will go down on 11/4/2020 Eastern time.

7.       On Friday, November 6, 2020 BAM day’s begin. Trump and Pence will be assassinated on this day. Natural (caused by man) disasters (earthquakes , Tsunamis) will occur. China, Russia, North Korea, Iran will be the said belligerents as I have been saying for 6 years now.

8.       On Friday, November 6, 2020 Nancy Pelosi will take oath of office as 46th President of USA.

9.       I believe Paul Ryan will be elected in special election,  President 47 next year sometime. He should choose Jeb Bush as VP. Jeb Bush should be elected President 48 in the year 2024. He will be the one that formally takes us into the “New World Order”.

10.   Ryan McCarthy will play a very pivotal and important role in all of this. I am thinking at this point he will be Ryan’s Secretary of State. Or he could just end up Speaker of the House.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Update 10/21/2020: Market Crashes Tomorrow: 1211 Code: Major Correction To Last Post: Stock Market Crash Will Be On 10/29, 10/30, 11/2, 11/3: Election Will Be Unresolved: Grid Goes Down November 4: Hell Ensues Afterward


Update Wednesday, 10/21/2020: Market should crash tomorrow, (begin) then crash for 9 trading days and the grid goes down on 11/3 West Coast and 11/4 East Coast....more to follow... 

I have it all coming up. I had to do one more post just to make it easier to understand. This will be the last post. Here are the dates:

Right Now: If you look on the candle chart (I will post later), between 8/12 and 8/20 there was a flag or a build up to the "M". It kind of juts out. This is what they are doing now, in mirror fashion. There will be an 8 candle flag, also they will have one long upper candlewick and this will complete the upper wicks in this pattern (there will be a total of 5 or a 23)

Thursday, October 29, 2020 Market Crash Begins (2)

Friday, October 30, 2020 Crash continues (3)

Monday, November 2, 2020 (2) Crash Continues

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 (3) Crash Continues, Election Will Not Be Resolved, No Winner

Wednesday, November 4, 2020 And Thursday, November 58, 2020 Grid Goes Down before election can be resolved.

Friday, November 6, 2020 BAM Day Begins 2 Days after The Great Flood Of Noah Would Have Begun

The above dates may have to be refined a little, but the gist is here. This is the plan more than likely.

There is likely to much more chaos than what I am showing you here. Something very dramatic is likely to happen in October, before the the second and blue moon.

February 24, the day of the first crash begin is day 55 (2323)

Note below that next Wednesday is 28 or 1. Then 2 and 3.

Major Correction Update: Urgent - Last Post! Worst Stock Market Crash In History Begins On Thursday, 10/22/2020 Through Tuesday, 10/27/2020: Grid Down On October 28: Hell Ensues Thursday, October 29, 2020

 I will try to get as much info on here as I can by Thursday and in particular this upcoming weekend. There will be no more posts needed as there will be no more power, phones, water on or after Wednesday, October 28, 2020, Bill Gates, Charlie Daniels Birthday, the day before the great earthquakes, floods ensue

Major Correction Coming (I Believe The Dates Below Should Be Adjusted One Week)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 The market should close up today, by around 100-200 points, thereby forming a "V" on the line chart.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020 The market should reverse Tuesday's action, closing 200-400 points or more. It should close at least 100 points or more below Monday's close, somewhere between 28000 and 28100.

Thursday, October 22, 2020 Day296 Stock Market Crash Begins 33 years and 3 days after 10/19/1987

Friday, October 23, 2020 Day 297 Stock Market Crash Continues

October 24,25 Weekend. Something happens (something far more serious than what they tell you causes the market to crash on 22,23) between market close on 10/23 and market open on 10/26.

Monday, 10/26/2020 Market crash worsens because of events that have unfolded

Tuesday, 10/27/2020 Market crash continues along with general chaos, hording

Wednesday, 10/28/2020 Grid Goes Down, Markets Close, Everything is closed at this point. 

Thursday, 10/29/2020 All hell breaks loose. Military attacks, natural disasters, earthquakes tsunamis begin. WW3 Officially begins. Matthew 24 continues

Major Correction: 

After reviewing more I now believe the crash will begin in earnest exactly one week after I have outlined above. I now believe that the chart is showing this. I think that beginning today there will be an 8 candle sideways (possibly slightly up as well) and that next Thursday, October 29 will begin the crash.

Please See Next Post

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Major Change: Thursday, October 22, 2020 Is Stand In For 10/19/2020: In Between 33rd and 91st Anniversary's

 This is kind of what I figured all along, is that there would be a "stand in" date.

They are going to finish the "candle u" that I showed in my last post. This should happen today, then the market should drift for 2 days either sideways or slightly up or down.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Updated 10/17/2020: 100% Stock Market Crashes Monday, 10/19/2020: 33 Years After Monday, 10/19/1987: 33 And 22 Is On Chart Now!!!

Below is a chart of Letters A-Z of the American Sign Language (ASL). Below that is a larger view of just the letter "U" represented on ASL.

I asked my 11 year old daughter to look at the chart below (before any annotation and without any "leading" at all.) She picked it out in a matter of seconds. She can see this where others could not because she has not yet been brainwashed to think it impossible that her "world and government leaders" could do something like this and be so evil, yet they clearly do and clearly are.

Below is a representation of Monday, October 19, 1987, Monday, October 19, 2020, the 33 year span, "Crash" that happened then, and is getting ready to happen again, and the number 19 as represented by consecutively counting 1234. I realize that the "U" on the right is less discernible as it was meant to be understood more clearly on the line chart. Not only that, but earlier that candle began much taller and was easier to discern. I assure you that this stands for an "U'. Not only that, but it is a "Bullhead" which = 911 just like 10/19. And it is just as forecast by the 6/3/2019 centered bullhead low on Monday, June 3, 2019, the exact day of the New Moon. Yesterday, at the completion of the below chart, was the 17th New Moon since 6/3/2019.

10/19/2020 = 294
"October" 19, 2020 = 794
10/19/2020 is day 293.

And this image below that I immediately knew represented the date of the forthcoming crash, and posted on it many, many times...finally, and forever and ever makes 1000 percent sense. 

October = 10
"October" = 6

X = 10
"X" = 24 or 6

"Red" = 9

Wednesday, 10/14/2020 is 154 or 1
Thursday, 10/15/2020 is 164 or 2
Friday, 10/16/2020 is 174 or 3

Monday, 10/19/2020 = 6+2+5 or 67 or 85 or 4



Saturday, October 3, 2020

Carbon Copy Bear Market On The Way: Except It Will Be Much Worse: It Will Be Much Faster



The symbol for Carbon is "C" the atomic number is 6. "October" = 6. On "October" (6) 12 (3) the stock market will crash. It will crash 50% in one or two weeks, depending on when the grid shuts down. As a matter of fact, the amount of the crash will help us determine when the grid goes down. If by the 16th of October (New Moon) the market is not down by that much yet, then it is likely the grid will go down right about the time of BAM day attacks, earthquakes, tsunami's.,_Pennsylvania

The county seat of Carbon County, PA is Jim Thorpe,_Pennsylvania

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024