Friday, October 16, 2020

Updated 10/17/2020: 100% Stock Market Crashes Monday, 10/19/2020: 33 Years After Monday, 10/19/1987: 33 And 22 Is On Chart Now!!!

Below is a chart of Letters A-Z of the American Sign Language (ASL). Below that is a larger view of just the letter "U" represented on ASL.

I asked my 11 year old daughter to look at the chart below (before any annotation and without any "leading" at all.) She picked it out in a matter of seconds. She can see this where others could not because she has not yet been brainwashed to think it impossible that her "world and government leaders" could do something like this and be so evil, yet they clearly do and clearly are.

Below is a representation of Monday, October 19, 1987, Monday, October 19, 2020, the 33 year span, "Crash" that happened then, and is getting ready to happen again, and the number 19 as represented by consecutively counting 1234. I realize that the "U" on the right is less discernible as it was meant to be understood more clearly on the line chart. Not only that, but earlier that candle began much taller and was easier to discern. I assure you that this stands for an "U'. Not only that, but it is a "Bullhead" which = 911 just like 10/19. And it is just as forecast by the 6/3/2019 centered bullhead low on Monday, June 3, 2019, the exact day of the New Moon. Yesterday, at the completion of the below chart, was the 17th New Moon since 6/3/2019.

10/19/2020 = 294
"October" 19, 2020 = 794
10/19/2020 is day 293.

And this image below that I immediately knew represented the date of the forthcoming crash, and posted on it many, many times...finally, and forever and ever makes 1000 percent sense. 

October = 10
"October" = 6

X = 10
"X" = 24 or 6

"Red" = 9

Wednesday, 10/14/2020 is 154 or 1
Thursday, 10/15/2020 is 164 or 2
Friday, 10/16/2020 is 174 or 3

Monday, 10/19/2020 = 6+2+5 or 67 or 85 or 4



Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024