The White House Is Going Down, and Trump Will Be On Fire
Exposing the lies, the Stock Market Manipulation, and the coming Apocalyptic Mayhem of "The New World Order" that will murder millions of Brainwashed Innocent People.
The White House Is Going Down, and Trump Will Be On Fire
The biggest reason that I have had trouble accepting late December as the time when WW3 would start, when the shit would hit the fan, when BAM day would begin is the timing of College students and them being in their college towns. Because a big part of their plan is to murder as many of our youth as possible.
Well they are and they will. First off, there still is a fairly large population left in the college towns. In fact, probably much more so than usual. So, there will be a certain amount of college student flooding deaths in college towns.
But here is the bigger picture. Just as they want to kill as many as possible, as I have said many times, they are also eliminating what has been the American way of life, and college is a very, very big part of that...and it is getting ready to pretty much be eliminating.
And, they will kill many more of the male youth in WW3. They will have no problem getting people to sign up when they promise you food and water, and possibly even your family.
As soon as the earthquake destroys the TAPS there will be no more gas at the pumps effectively stopping travel almost immediately.
I simply...missed it....I will try and upload as much more info as possible over next couple of days but below is really all that you need.
Helen Reddy (Female and White) and Mac Davis (Male and White) were murdered on 9/29/2020.
Eddie Van Halen (Male and White) and Johnny Nash (Male and Black) were murdered one week later on 10/6/2020.
Joe Biden (Male and White)
Kamala Harris (Female and Black)
Donald Trump (Male and White)
Mike Pence (Male and White)
3 Male, 1 Female: 3 White, 1 Black
The below graphic and article are from 12/19/2020
"Chaos", "Order out of chaos" at the White House on 165 or 183 or 111
Jamie Foxx's Sister, Who Had Down's Syndrome Just Died. The Date Was Not Revealed But It Was Reported On October 24, 2020
"Mas" = 6
"December" 25, 2020 = 174 or 48 or 12 or 111
Laugh all that you want to because we are now only 5 days away from me being proven right....
"Joe" "B" Die "N"
"Joe" Die "BN" (25)
"Joe" = 165 or 111: "December 25 2020" = 174 or 111
"Joe Biden" = 37 12/25 = 37
Biden will die in Wilmington, DE. Deleware is "The First State". It is state number 1.
This whole year, which will end with a huge bang has been about taking away the very core of the USA and all that goes along with it, which the biggest holiday and celebration by far is...Christmas.
I have been telling you all for years on here and on google that "peninsulas" was one of their favorite things to attack. Remember the Indian Ocean 2004 Earthquake and Tsunami. India is world's largest peninsula. That was the predictor of what is coming to Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Seaboard. Florida is 22 in size. It is 27th state. It's flag is an "X". San Francisco is a peninsula and it will be completely destroyed. Delaware is at top of "DelMarVa" Penninsula.
Before Jamestown, Plymouth, New York was Florida...
I may have been early...many times, but you can only get it wrong and early so many times, and that time is up.
In all of the years of researching the stock charts I have never a seen a more perfectly formed "flag" on the charts.
I have never seen one anchored to a "flag pole". I have never seen one equal exactly 24 candles. This one is made up of 3 groups of candles....5,6,13.
Something big is getting ready to happen. Something between now and 9:30 AM Monday morning is getting ready to happen.
Here is one of the most important, if not the most, graphics I have, showing my proof. It was released on Friday, August 11, 2017, exactly 10 days before "The Great American Eclipse" New Moon which began on Lincoln Beach, Oregon and ended in Charleston, SC. The moment I saw the below graphic I knew it was for real telling us when all hell would break loose and the market crash of all market crashes would begin. And oh how it does.
First note that the most important numbers have an red "X" in the square. "X" is one number for denoting "False Flag". The above graphic is showing you more than one thing. It is showing you the importance of the number 123 but also that a "False flag" event is what will cause the market to crash, and indeed it will be.
Next note that the current rally that we are in is still "The Trump Rally" which they themselves coined. The "Trump Rally" began on Wednesday, 11/9/2016 and this has been proclaimed by the media themselves, long after I told you when it began and what price...18, 332.74, which was the close the day before, election day, 11/8/2016.
As I will show you after this next graphic, "The Trump Rally" ended this past Wednesday, 12/9/2020:
I hope you all see the numbers above and they sink in, because I am going to be right. All of your wasted optimism will not stop reality. I do not want what is getting ready to happen, to indeed happen...but that is not going to stop it. All of the brainwashing that we have all received our whole lives in school, to make us think that America is invisible and what I am telling you is getting ready to happen could simply not happen...IS NOT GOING TO STOP IT.
Everything is the same except for my miss on the actual date of the crash beginning. The crash begins today or Monday, and I believe Monday is more than likely. The market could close afterward, especially if there is heavy damage to West Coast and Hawaii from tsunami.
Here is all the proof you need:
You can not "Zoom" to something you can not see, such as the ceiling on the stock market (because there is not one, infinity is the ceiling on the market, but there is a bottom...0). Zoom means to go fast, to bring something far away, that you can see, in much closer...such as...the bottom in the stock market...or 0 (Zero).
"The Whole Market" means everything...small caps, mid caps, large caps and all categories as well. It also means other financial instruments such as bonds are going to crash at the same time.
"Zoom" means 78 or another number for financial meltdown. The red slash and white equal sign means both 911 and 94.
Here is what is getting ready to happen:
Update: 12/1/2020 7:35 AM: I now believe that the TAPS will be destroyed most likely on Monday, 12/7/2020. It is Pearl Harbor day. Plus the numbers 3/27/1964 = 12/7/2020. Also, another alternative scenario is that China carries out the attack instead of an earthquake.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020: Stock Market top will occur on this day or a combination of the day before or the day after. The Dow Top in February, just before the crash was on 2/12, Lincoln's Birthday
Friday, December 4, 2020 (Or Sometime between 12/4 and 12/7): Earthquake centered somewhere near Delta Junction Alaska will destroy the Trans Alaska Pipeline System. This could occur anytime on Friday, either before market open, during market hours or after close, however, I believe it will occur during the market hours or just before the open.
Weekend, 12/5-6/2020: Huge discourse, hoarding, civil strife and divide will begin. You will be told this will severely impede vaccine distribution among other things. There will be calls from Trump Supporters to "oust' Biden/Harris anyway possible as they could in no way handle the "crisis at hand".
Monday, December 7, 2020: This will be the Manic Monday I have been speaking of for years. The song Manic Monday was released on Monday, 1/27/1986. 12/7 is 127. THIS WILL BE MANIC MONDAY IN THE MARKETS AND IN THE POLITICAL ARENA AND AT HOME AND IN THE STREETS THERE WILL BE CHAOS
Wednesday, December 9, 2020: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris WILL BE ASSASSINATED on this day. The markets will close afterward, depending on when the attack occurs, either on that day or Thursday. They will remain closed until Monday, December 14 and the new moon and the electoral college date.
Grid Down: The grid will may go down twice. It could go down just before Biden gets it and come back on afterward, then it goes down again just before Trump gets it. This is a hard one to call, it all depends on what and how they tell you Biden was taken out. I think there may be a hybrid scenario where just part of the National Defense System goes down. As far fetched as this all seems, I promise you they will have a story that the American Sheep will believe.
Friday, December 18, 2020: Trump and Pence will be assassinated on this day. Nancy Pelosi will take oath of office either this day or the next.
The details: This is very hard. I believe that this whole initial series of events will be called a "coup attempt" of Trump. Who they tell you took out Trump is hard to call. They will probably tell you that another faction of the military took Trump out, but it could be China.
Hell, chaos and confusion are coming and it all starts no later than this coming weekend, no later than Pearl Harbor Day, Monday, December 7, 2020. No later than Monday, 12/7/2020 there will likely be no gas, or very hard to obtain and at very high prices. More than likely they will have a scheme similar to the 1973/1974 scam oil crisis.