Friday, December 4, 2020

Trans Alaska Pipeline System Destroyed 12/6/2020 or 12/7/2020 or both: Stock Market Crash Begins Today Or Monday

 Everything is the same except for my miss on the actual date of the crash beginning. The crash begins today or Monday, and I believe Monday is more than likely. The market could close afterward, especially if there is heavy damage to West Coast and Hawaii from tsunami.

The Great Alaska Earthquake of 2020 will be the "lead in" to Biden/Harris assassinations, and of course the Biden/Harris assassinations will be the lead in to the Trump/Pence assassinations.

This upcoming weekend will be the last normal weekend, at least the most normal you will remember. Normal went out the door in February 2020, but it really goes out the door by Next Week.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024