Sunday, October 3, 2021

!!!!!!!!!!Emergency USA - Grid Goes Down Between Tuesday, October 19 And Friday, October 22, 2021: Public Enemy: What You Gonna Do When The Grid Goes Down

Hawaii's Demise: The Whole Ball Of Wax: October 13, 2013 Major Eruption: October 15, 2021: Alaska Earthquake And Pacific Tsunami

 It may very well be 10/12 Hawaii Time and 10/12 EST Time when the explosive eruption happens, either way the cars in Hilo will either be disabled mechanically or will not be able to drive through and because of all the ash and gasses. They will be trapped with nowhere to go when the great Pacific tsunami hits.

October 15 (165) is day 288 or 216 or 27.

Good Friday, March 27, 1964 - Second worst earthquake in recorded history.

An 8.2 Earthquake occurred in the Aleutian Islands, AK on Wednesday, 7/28/2021, the same day as Dusty Hill of ZZ Top died.

33 is their favorite number. It is here twice, along with the date.

1. Eddie Money died on Friday, September 13, 2019 (DOB - 3/21/1949). There were two main reasons for his death on that day. He and Ric Ocasek's birthday are one day apart. They died one day apart. The first reason is his last name "Money". His next birthday after his death was the Friday before the stock market bottomed out (3/23/2020). Reason two is that he made a music video hit titled "Shakin" that was primarily in a car.

2. Ric Ocasek died on Sunday, September 15, 2019 (DOB - 3/23/1944). 

Written by The Bee Gees.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Wasted Days: It Is Over: They Are Telling You That It Is Over: Within A Matter Of Days Or Weeks Your Lives Will Never Be The Same Again, In A Very Bad Way

It is over. Your days have been wasted. There is nothing else left but hell and horror ahead. 

It is all manufactured because they are getting ready to capsize all of these ships, more than likely in both the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean port areas.

This graphic of a "Drowning Girl", which is what they are going to do - drown as many young folks as they can, has been on the front page of the Weather Channel for weeks. Yes it is another country, it does not matter, plus they are going to flood parts of the entire world more than likely.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Emergency!!! Warning!!! It Is All Getting Ready To Unfold: Kilauea Is Code Red - Eruption Most Likely Begins 10/6/2021 Same Day As Eddie Van Halen Died One Year Ago: Alaska Earthquake And Pacific Tsunami Follows

From Today!

The Pic Headline does not even match the story. The song is an intrumental. David Lee Roth had nothing to do with the song "Eruption".

They are telling you that oil is going to be destroyed, but first the price will skyrocket, if there is any left.,-159.51599&extent=22.41103,-150.72693

The reason for all of the cargo ships anchored in the ocean on both sides of the Pacific is that they are going to be capsized and destroyed.

Trans Alaska Pipeline Will Be Destroyed

The two most important dates are likely Wednesday, 10/6/2021 and 10/13/2021

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Correction: Dow Jones Top Should Be 35400 On Thursday, 8-12-2021: Crash On Thursday, 8-19-2021: March 23, 2020: February 24, 2020: Dusty Hill: ZZ Top

Note below, the very lowest candle was the low point of the "Covid-19 Crash". This was on Monday, March 23, 2020 (354). The close was: 18, 591.93 (9999 - 4-9's or 36).

Also note that it is a huge (the biggest ever) "W" with a 1 on the lower left making a 123. This "1W" is also part of the huge "USA Atlas" that was drawn at this time. The "1W", which stands for "Wave" or "War" is placed around what is "Texas" and "Mexico".

Also, Eddie Money died on Friday, September 13, 2019 while Ric Ocasek died on Sunday,  September 15, 2019. They died one day apart, and their birthday's are also one day apart. Money's birthday is on March 21 while Ocasek's birthday is on March 23. Also, Bono's wife's birthday is on March 23. 

Thursday, August 12, 1982 was last day of bear market before the longest secular bull market in history began on Friday, August 13, 1982.

Thursday, August 12, 1982 to Thursday August 12, 2021 = 39 (354) years exactly.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Stock Market Top On Thursday, August 5, 2021: Stock Market Crash On Thursday, August 19, 2021: Dusty Hill: ZZ Top: Champlain Towers: Ed King: Sweet Home Alabama


Stock Market Top WILL BE ON Thursday, August 5, 2021. The 3 digit handle on the Dow Jones will be 35, 200.

Baylor Bears won over Gonzaga Bulldogs on Monday, April 5, 2021 (NCAA Championship Game).

Friday, June 18, 2021

Updated: Emergency Warning! Hawaii Volcano Eruption: Alaska Earthquake And Pacific Tsunami: Trans Alaska Pipeline Destroyed: First Lady Jill Biden Dies: All Within Two Weeks

 Alaska Is State Number 49. Hawaii Is 50.

Update: June 20, 2021: 2:30 AM: The two primary dates in the upcoming Pacific Ocean - Ring Of Fire Destruction should be....Thursday, Friday June 24, 25 2021

Note the "False Flag = 24" attack began at 7:48 AM or 15 just like "Hawaii" and "Wave"

6/24/2021 = 35. 12/7 is day number 341 and leaves 24 days till the end of year.

6/24/2021 = 665 or 35 or 8.

D Day was on day 157 (13 or 4 just like D). It was on a full moon.

The total number of Lunar Months between 6/6/1944 and 6/24/2021 is 953.

Jon Voight's daughter, Angelina Jolie was born on June 4 (6*4 or 24). The year was 1975. June 24 is day 175!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ned Beatty just died, on Sunday, June 13, 2021. He was born on July 6 (76). His very first film role was the movie "Deliverance". He was the one that got raped, told to "squeal like a pig".

June 24 is day 175 or 13. 24 + 25 = 67. His death is a message....that....


The Headline below is all that you need. This is how THEY OPERATE.

Matthew 24 has been underway for some time, however it is in verses 6 and 7 that is getting ready to go into OVERDRIVE.

Carly Simon DOB: June 25, 1945're_So_Vain

The eclipse referenced in her song "You're So Vain",_1972

I will be updating this post and posting more on this and related subjects over the coming days...IF I HAVE TIME.

Here is a synopsis of what is getting ready to happen:

1. There will be at least one major volcanic eruption on the big island of Hawaii, most likely beginning tomorrow, June 19, 2021. Sometime between June 19 and June 28 the situation will deteriorate and the eruptions will get very, very bad and explosive.

2. Sometime after the eruptions get worse there will be one or more major (over 9.2...likely 10) earthquakes in Alaska. This will result in a deadly tsunami that heads towards Hilo, HI.

3. The Trans Alaska Pipeline will be destroyed or rendered unusable as a result of the Alaska Earthquakes.

4. First Lady Jill Biden will die during this same time period.

Joe Bidens wife, just like his first almost gone, and he will be "Walking Alone" as he did in 1972.

I believe that First Lady Jill Biden will have some sort of accident on Thursday, June 24 (exactly 3 weeks or 21 days after her 70th birthday) and she will die 3 days later on Sunday, (the day of week she was born on) June 27, 2021 or at the age of 70 years and 24 days.

Update - Correction: 6/20/2021: 8:00 AM: After studying Lisa Banes (I waited till after she died, as I knew she would, to begin this post), I believe that Jill Biden will be attacked, or otherwise hospitalized on June 24, 2021, exactly 21 days after her 70th birthday. I believe she will die 10 days later, on Sunday, July 4, 2021. She will be 70 years and 31 days old.

The story below is from today. The headline is all that you need is Joe Biden will have a second chance to say goodbye to his wife (his second wife).

Lisa Banes accident was 6/4/2021 and she died 10 days later on 6/14/2021.

The woman in the video below just died. Her name is Tawny Kitaen.

This was the last eclipse, before the 2017 eclipse to be visible from the USA...and it was only visible from Hawaii, in fact it started over Hawaii. Here is the interesting connection....Sela Ward, who was a star in "The Day After Tomorrow" was also a star in "Gone Girl"

Note that the Hawaii Solar Eclipse was on a Thursday, as is June 24, 2021. Notice all of the numbers. "Hawaii" = 15 or 6. "Wave" = 15 or 6. Hawaii area code is 808.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Saturday, April 3, 2021 Will Be The Big Day: 435 (48): 1984 = 4/3/2021

 April = 4

"April" =2

4/3/2021 = 84

2/3/2021 = 1

Earthquake Alaska - Tsunami Hawaii:I Had Wrong 1 Day: 57 Years And 1 Day (58) After 3/27/1964 On 3/28/2021 (58)

They have drawn a 313 at the top of the Dow chart so far. This stands for Revelation (66) 13. It also stands for 3/28/21 (Short Year Date). They are getting ready to add 2 more today and tomorrow (Up Today, Down Tomorrow) and they will make 315. I believe it will gap down on Friday. Even if they draw a 316 that will equal the 28 and that is very important as the 19th Parallel is what is going to get the Tsunami.

Good Friday, March 27, 1964 (392 just like 2021)

Sunday, 11/3/2002 (Just Like Biden's Election Day; 9 Just like 3/28/2021)

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

It's About Matthew 24 And Revelation 13: Matthew = 1, 40,9: Revelation = 39,66,13

I believe they are currently drawing an "M" after the "S" and they will have one more close with 330 handle. If so, that would equal 66.

I still think something big is about to happen around Easter weekend, but it also looks like something is going to happen around Kenny Roger's Birthday of 8/21/2021. Robert Plant's birthday is on 8/20. Ed King died on 8/22/2018. They drew a huge Leviathan in August 2019. 8/23/2019 was Kobe Bryan't last birthday.

This Whole Event Getting Ready To Happen Is About Revelation And 66

I will be posting more here over the next few days.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Monday, March 15, 2021

Part Two Of Stock Market Top Today: Dow Is Forming A Final A For "Joe Biden" And 19

 Today's candle should go higher intra day giving us an all time intra day high, then it should reverse course. It does not matter if it goes down signicantly.

This week should look very much like the mirror of last week and form an "A"

Then hell comes late Friday Evening into the weekend. Read my previous post for that info.

The market may be closed on Monday, 3/22/2021. Whenever it opens back up after the Tsunami and Earthquake it is going to crash.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

!Emergency- 9.9 Earthquake In Valdez, AK Then Tsunami In Hilo, HI Then Stock Market Crash Friday, 3/19/2021 Thru Monday, 3/22/2021-Emergency!

Alaska Earthquake, Hilo Tsunami, Stock Market Crash, Gas Unavailable Or Unaffordable, Division Ensues, Trump Takes The Stage, Biden Assassinated On 4/2-3/2021, Trump - Harris Civil War Begins

Valdez And Alaska Area Code - 907
Hilo Area Code - 808

Eddie Money Died On Friday, September 13. 2019
Ric Ocasek Died 2 days later on Sunday, September 15, 2019

Eddie Money Was Born On March 21
Ric Ocasek Was Born On March 23

The day in between their birthdays is...March 22, which this year is on a Monday

"Gimme Some Water"
"Two Tickets To Paradise"
Last Name....Is...."Money"

"Shake It Up"
"The Cars" (Needs Gasoline)
"Drive" (Need Gasoline)

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Civil War Part Two: April 12, 1861 To April 3, 2021: Trump Verses Harris: Black Verses White: Male Verses Female

 1861 = 79; "Helicopter Crash" = 79; "Biden" = 7; 4/3 = 7.

1/20/2021 = 125; 4/3 (12) 2021 = 125; "Joseph Robinette Biden" = 125; "Kamala Devi Harris" = 125

Civil War Part Two Will lead to America's demise and "takeover" by Chinese. It will start with a "Helicopter Crash" = 79, and Biden's assassination. He will crash and die in between Sunset Friday, April 2, 2021 and Sunset Saturday, April 3, 2021 while the Menorah is lit, during Shabbat.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Stock Market Crash In Between Eddie Money And Ric Ocasek's Birthdays: 100%: 90 Plus 9 Candles: 1987: Monday, March 22, 2021

 March 22, 2021 Will Be The Beginning Of A 9 Day Stock Market Crash That Goes Down  70%.

There will be 10 candles above the channel that is 31300 to 31499 and there will be 9 candles below it. This channel represents what will be all 5 assassinated presidents??? Does this mean that there will not be a sixth??? I do not know. It seems like they are telling us that Harris is going to be before they were portraying her as being assassinated. I believe the recent portrayals of her "acting presidential" is likely to be referring to the "other woman"...Nancy Pelosi. I still think that Biden and Harris both are assassinated around the same time...we shall see.

The Top should be yesterday and today, March 10, 11. The closing high was likely yesterday and the intraday all time high should be today.

Something very bad is likely going to happen the weekend of 3/20,21/2021 such as an earthquake that destroys a huge oil asset.

Huge Discovery: Market Crash And Biden Assassination On The Way

 Lincoln 16 (7)

Garfield 20 (2)

McKinley 25 (7)

Kennedy 35 (8)

Biden 46 (1)

72781 (1978)

The channel on the Dow Jones that is 31,313 - 31,499 is getting ready to be jumped over or gaped over.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Worst Market Crash In History Begins Wednesday, March 17, 2021: I Had The Wrong 8 Day: 87 Candles: Number 88 Will Be On 3/17/2021 (88): 12 Candle Crash

 Everything from the post before last is the same. The Channel will not be breached again. The Dow will likely make a new high above 32,000. Then on the way down it will stop just above 31,500. On Wednesday, March 17, 2021 it will gap below it.

There will never, ever be more than 19 candles in the channel between 31,300 and 31,499

Close On 10/16/1987: 2246.73

10/19/1987: Close 1738.41  Down 508.32 or 22.62 %

Trans Alaska Pipeline Or Some Other Major Oil Asset Is Getting Ready To Be Destroyed: 3/7/2021 News

 The headline is all that you need. Something is getting ready to happen, and it may be one of the catalysts for the market crash. There is getting ready to be a drastic reduction in oil supply and a major disruption and or price hike.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024