Saturday, October 2, 2021

Wasted Days: It Is Over: They Are Telling You That It Is Over: Within A Matter Of Days Or Weeks Your Lives Will Never Be The Same Again, In A Very Bad Way

It is over. Your days have been wasted. There is nothing else left but hell and horror ahead. 

It is all manufactured because they are getting ready to capsize all of these ships, more than likely in both the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean port areas.

This graphic of a "Drowning Girl", which is what they are going to do - drown as many young folks as they can, has been on the front page of the Weather Channel for weeks. Yes it is another country, it does not matter, plus they are going to flood parts of the entire world more than likely.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024