Saturday, January 9, 2021

Two Assassinations On Tuesday, January 12, 2021: Dow Jones Industrial Average Proves It: "T" On BB&T Building Blinking Proves 911 On The Way: 42 Candle Flag Getting Ready To Crash

. Right now, in Winston Salem, NC, the Glass BB&T building's logo at the top has the "T" blinking. This is not a mistake. 9+11 = 20. "T" is the 20th letter of our alphabet. 

The BB&T logo, as pictured below on the Winston Salem, NC BB&T building has it's "T" blinking. This is not by chance. It is not a mistake. Do not believe me, it is all your choice.

The graphic below is of the actual logo and building in Winston Salem. I do not have time to video the blinking "T", if you do not want to believe me, it is all up to you.

Biden and Harris will be assassinated on Tuesday, January 12, 2021. It will be blamed on the Secretary of Defense, Donald Trump and Russia

The closing numbers: 31,097.97  Up: 56.84 Or .18%

9+7 = 16. "Assassination" = 16 just like Abe Lincoln's number.
Here we have two 16's.

31 = 112....5684 = both they year and the day "Tuesday".

Also notice they are completing another "J" - "S" 
Currently there are 42 candles. After close on Monday there will be 43. I believe there is another event about to take place before Tuesday's assassinations, such as an oil asset being destroyed.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024