Saturday, March 12, 2022

!!!Warning - Huge Update: Kyiv And Ukraine Reservoirs Destroyed Sunday, March 13, 2022. Grid Down Either 4/1/2022 Or 4/30/2022:Benjamin Harrison: Alexander II is on the way, I am working on this now and will try to be finished before end of day

The Book 1984 Is Referring To Several Dates And Events, However The Main Event Or Main Date Predicted By 1984 Is Wednesday, April 13, 2022...or Thomas Jefferson's Birthday. This Will Likely Be The Day The White House And Other D.C. Structures Are Destroyed

FEMA Presidential Alert Of Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Thomas Jefferson's initials are TJ or 21. He is the sculpture on top of the Capitol Dome. He, along with John Adams both died on July 4, 1826.

Below are some words whose numerology is relative to this topic. I have included the link to the website tool:

First, here is some proof that "They" (in this case Cramer) do tell you what they are going to do, before they do it. Notice below that Cramer has just "Circled" Thursday and Friday and that the circle has a gap in it. On Mad Money they always have the date of the show on the top of the number board, with a colon between month and day, and it is always in "Orange". This is the clip and the show that alerted me to the fact that the initial SHTF would be on Thursday, February 24, 2022...and I was right. And I have more proof of the initial invasion, before it happened,  coming up.

Now note that "Thursday" = 8 and "Friday" = 9 in Numerology. Also note that in Europe Thursday is day 4 and Friday is day 5. (8*9 = 72 and 4+5 = 9). Keep this in mind for later but for now...

Also notice that he has circled two companies that will report that Friday (2/11/2022). Cleveland Cliffs and Goodyear Tire.

Here is what happened to CLF and GT after they reported on Friday, 2/11/2022...

CLF went from 20.95 on 2/10 to 18.92 on 2/11...that is nearly a 10% drop and yes that is a cliff.

GT went from 21.74 on 2/10 to 15.78 on 2/11...that is a 27.41% drop and that is definitely a huge cliff. 

March 13 is day 72.

Notice below the "Pink O" is the two letters ND. This represents "INDY" or "Indianapolis". It also represents the number 5 and 4. As representing November and December it also represnts the numbers 11 and 12 and 4 and 1 but most important is the reference to "Indianapolis"

Flag Of Ukraine

Benjamin Harrison was 23rd President. Sandwiched in between Grover Cleveland's 22 and 24 Presidency.

Ukraine Reservoirs will inundate and destroy Kyiv and other cities downstream but the worst is the Nuclear Power plant that will be destroyed and release fallout into the river and the Black sea

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024