Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Red River Flood: Ukraine Reservoirs Destroyed By Red Army - ASAP

 From Today, April 27, 2022. The Ukraine Chain Of Reservoirs Will Be Destroyed In May more than likely. 

It is very likely to happen this weekend into next week

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Markets And Grid Down For 9 Months


They are telling over and over for the past year that the Market will be closed for 9 months. This means as well that the grid will likely be down for a similar amount of time, and should coincide approximately as well

Easter Of War: Kyiv Reservoir Destroyed On Easter N Ukraine

 Since this staged war began, the two words that I have heard the most were..."Eastern Ukraine"

Notice the marking of x and b on the eggs...24 "April" = 242 or xb

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Eastern Ukraine = Easter In Ukraine


...on the way

Lucius Clay, Taylor Hawkins, Bruce Springsteen, Diamond Rio, Charlie Daniels Prove April 16

Here is more proof that they plan things years, decades and centuries in advance, and many times before the people needed for the events have even been born:

The song "The Legend Of Wooley Swamp" is about a man named Lucius Clay. The problem is there is no Lucius Clay according to Charlie Daniels. The other problem is that there really is a man named Lucius Clay...and he died on 4/16/1978 at age 72...BEFORE CHARLIE DANIELS WROTE THE SONG. Lucius Clay, the real man, was sacrificed on 4/16/1978 knowing that Charlie Daniels would write and record and release the song two years later. How can they do this??? Because all professional musicians, all professional athletes, all professional entertainers are beholden to the masters that they work for and must do as they say. 

Note below that the song "The Legend Of Wooley Swamp" was on the album..."Full Moon"

Lucius Clay was a general in Germany in WW2. At the time he was the youngest person to become a one star general. He retired as a 4 star general as you can see below.

April 16 is day 106 of the year.

Easter In Ukraine Is On 4/26/2022
Easter In USA Is On 4/17/2022

Take Your Pick. Something probably happens beginning Saturday, April 16, 2022 and continues on until the end of the month and beyond. Here is the important part:

Once the next very significant event occurs, it will be too late. It will be over.

As you can see below, the April Full Moon is on April 16..which is not only exactly in the middle of the month, but in 2022 it is exactly in the middle of two New Moons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Weeknd DOB: 2/16/1990 (2/16 = "April" 16.
He was the headline act for Super Bowl 2021, Sunday, 2/7/2021.

Bruce Springsteen DOB: 9/23/1949
The below Jeep commercial aired during Super Bowl 2021. 
The title of the ad is: "The Middle"

Michael Jordan played his last professional game on April 16, 2003

Diamond is the birthstone for the month of April.

Diamond Rio was the FIRST COUNTRY BAND to hit number on on the chart with their debut single..."Meet In The Middle"

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Trans Alaska Pipeline - Fort Greely Destroyed Between 4/8/2022 And 4/10/2022: Delta Dawn


I now think that it is highly likely that we are possibly looking at two events happening over the upcoming weekend:

1. Kyiv Reservoir and those below it destroyed on one side of the World.

2. Trans Alaska Pipeline, Fort Greely Missile Defense, Valdez Terminal, Pacific Tsunami, Hawaii

Of course you will be told that Russia is responsible. The may deny some or all of it...or they may take credit right away.

Stair Climber: Climb Stairs To Survive: Swinging Doors: Fleeing Cars To Survive

 There are hundreds of buildings like this in Kyiv.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Neon: Ukraine: Swinging Doors: Merle Haggard - Movie Crash: April 6: Wednesday: Dam Break: Kyiv Flood April 7


Kyiv Reservoir Dam Will Break In April. It will either be today, April 6, 2022; Friday, April 15; or Sunday, April 24....or something bad on all three of those days will occur.

You all need to watch this is free on Amazon Prime. The Swinging Doors scene starts right around the 1:26 mark.

Below is the final part of "Swinging Doors", just after the door swings open.

USA And Russia Kill And Weaken Each Other Then China Takes Over World As Face Of New World Order

Masters Tournament Will Be Stopped Or Canceled: Gamestop: Tiger Woods: No More Masters Tournament


The Last Masters Tournament Was Played In 2021. This Is The 86th. It Will Either Never Get Underway, Or Will Be Stopped On Thursday. I Think It Will Be Canceled Tomorrow Sometime

Tiger is still unsure if he will play. He said it is a game day decision...He was not wearing his usual Nike shoes

We Will All Be Drinking Free Bubble Up And Eating That Rainbow Stew: After The Worldwide War Is Over: April 6, 2022

The bubble up and rainbow stew are part of the introduction to the World Wide War. Not have all been lied to. 

Utopia Is Not On The Way


Monday, April 4, 2022

It's The Three 6 Days In April: 11 Days After Taylor Hawkins Death Day 95: FOO = 666: Fighters = 11


I still believe there will probably be a straddle of dates however I believe that the primary date = 6:

Day 95 - 4/5/2022

Day 104 - 4/14/2022

Day 113 - 4/23/2022

If there is a straddle day then the numbers point to the day before, however the logic seems like it would be the day thing for sure...after the first event happens we will know

x = letter 24

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Is The New World Order Really Real???


Anyone who believes that the New World Order is real, and is the real power in this world is a lunatic...why would someone  believe such non sense when they have been telling us about it themselves for years and years and years

I have been mocked and mocked and mocked...from brainwashed sheep who have no clue

Must See: It's Three Pairs Of Days In April: 4/3-4/2022; 4/12-13/2022; 4/21-22/2022: Proof Here

Day 93 and 94. 4/3/2022 and 4/4/2022

Day 102 and 103. 4/12/2022 and 4/13/2022  (This Is 1984 Day, Thomas Jefferson Birthday)

Day 120 and 121. 4/21/2022 and 4/22/2022

All three pair of these days will see destructive "Waves" in the form of Dam Breaks or Tsunamis or both. The events will straddle or span midnight in these pair of days.

I have the proof coming if I have time

Below is a chart of the Dow Jones centered on August 2019. This is the key, that and Kobe Bryant...I will try to finish this later.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

"Drummer" = "Time" Both Literally And Figuratively: There Is No More Time: Taylor Hawkins, Phil Collins, Joey Cramer

This Man Was NOT ON DRUGS When He Was Performing In South America. 

I am not saying that he has never done drugs. I am not saying he was never a drug addict. All I am saying is that in this stage in his life he is not a drug addict. If you look at the picture below this man is as straight as anyone can be...if there is anything I can be sure of it is this. Dave Grohl does not use drugs either. You have been lied to. He was murdered. He was sacrificed because of his Name, because of his occupation, because of his birthday....and most importantly because of THE BAND NAME THAT HE PLAYS WITH AND THE CONNECTIONS.

He was murdered on 3/25 or 3*7 = 21.
1 week and 2 days (9 days) before "Time Officially Runs Out"

It's The 27 Days In Between 4/3/2022 And 4/30/2022: The Hell Begins After Midnight Tonight

 Finally, The Reason Behind The "27 Club"

The worst wave, the worst tsunami that ever happened was on Sunday, 12/26/2004.
There are 2 ISBN identifiers for India...81 and 93

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024