Sunday, April 3, 2022

Must See: It's Three Pairs Of Days In April: 4/3-4/2022; 4/12-13/2022; 4/21-22/2022: Proof Here

Day 93 and 94. 4/3/2022 and 4/4/2022

Day 102 and 103. 4/12/2022 and 4/13/2022  (This Is 1984 Day, Thomas Jefferson Birthday)

Day 120 and 121. 4/21/2022 and 4/22/2022

All three pair of these days will see destructive "Waves" in the form of Dam Breaks or Tsunamis or both. The events will straddle or span midnight in these pair of days.

I have the proof coming if I have time

Below is a chart of the Dow Jones centered on August 2019. This is the key, that and Kobe Bryant...I will try to finish this later.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024