Saturday, August 26, 2023

Trump's Two Time Covers Tell You What Is Going To Happen...Before It Happens...I Told You So: The Tsunami Is Over Florida...Not DC

 Unfortunately when the first cover was released I was not using this blog, but I posted how it was telling you of Trump's demise. What I could not see is that Trump would destroy alot of other shit first.

Clearly you can see that "Papers" would be involved. And, A Tsunami will be what takes him out, or it will be involved with him in some manner.

I believe "Mar A Lago" Will be "The White House Of The South" as they have referred to many times, and it will be destroyed by a Tsunami in the Atlantic. Where were the papers found...Mar A Lago

First Cover: 2/27/2017

Second Cover: 4/23/2018

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024