Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Top Should Be Today As Forecast: 3 Digit Handle Should Be 24, 800 (644): It Will Be Within Candle Wicks Of 6/3/2019: Crash In 9 Days: Oil = 9

The market is going to get cut in half, as Cramer told us, by breaking the pencil in half.

Today though, the market should end up in between the two horizontal lines below. Those two lines represent the high and low points at the very trough of the bullhead. It was the Gemini New Moon on Monday, June 3, 2019. I believe it will be a 248 handle representing 6/4/2020.

The candle today should gap up to begin with, then move higher to form an upper wick, then move lower to close fairly close to the open, forming a very discernible "gravestone doji".

As they rarely do a "perfect" gravestone as below, I believe it will be a green body, and there will likely be 100 points or so separating the close and the low. There will likely be 200-400 points separating the close from the high. We will know at 4:00 PM today for sure.

Below is a close up view of June 3, 2019. The close was 24,819.78. Notice this equals 6/4/2020...1987!!!

The below chart is where we are heading. 24,800 / 2 = 12,400. The very center trough of the below bullhead is exactly on 6/4/2012. The two lines WILL BE WHERE THE MARKET ENDS UP REVERSING DURING THIS NEXT LEG DOWN OF THE GREAT BEAR MARKET OF 2020. The close was 12,101.46 or "June" = 54 or 64...or better yet, 54 in 6 years exactly.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
