Saturday, January 29, 2022

Jill Biden Dies In A Helicopter Crash In Hawaii On Thursday, February 3, 2022: Joe Biden Will Die Within Weeks (few months at most) Of Jill Biden is coming

It may very well be 2/2 Hawaii Time and 2/3 EST.

Stock Market Closes At 35,000 (Dow Jones) Tuesday, February 1, 2022: Doesn't Reopen Until Monday, February 7, 2022: Volcano Eruption: Alaska Earthquake: Cramer Says So is coming

Stock Market will close on Tuesday, 2/1/2022 as usual, at 35,000 (between 35,000 and 35,100).

Something will happen after the close on Tuesday, and the market will never open on 2/2.

On Wednesday, 2/2/2022 The market will be closed for the first time since Tuesday,  9/11/2001 because of "outside and unforeseen circumstances", but of course it is all contrived and planned.

It will reopen on Monday, 2/7/2022 day 38 and crash.

Friday, January 28, 2022

February 1 - February 4: I Now Believe That February 4 Will Be A Conclusion To Something That Begins On February 1


2/1/2022 Possible Volcano Eruptions On Hawaii Or Elsewhere In South Pacific

2/4/2022 Possible Tsunami From Earthquake In Alaska Or Elsewhere In Region

Note the Leviathan Sea Monster below that is currently running on TimeAndDate.Come

George Washington (Birthday is 2/22/1732) Electors Voted On February 4, 1789.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Tuesday, February 1, 2022: Day 32: Aquarius New Moon: 55th New Moon Since Great American Eclipse: This Is The Big Day: This Is The Beginning Of The End Of The USA

 ...this is a work in progress. I have been studying this date for a long, long time. The grid will more than likely go down on this day or sometime in the month of February....I have waited to do this until I could get more info. Well I have it and this is the date when it will all begin.

The Year 2022 - 24. It is 2*3. It is 3*2. It is 22 with Century omitted

Day 32 is 32. 21 is 

21 is 7*3. It is 12. It is 4*3. It is 2*6. It is 6+6. It is 9+3.

216 is 36 or 66.

12 is 66

As you can see Brandon Lee's birthday is on 2/1. It is no coincidence that he died from a "fake shooting" just as in the Rust film shooting. The rust shooting occurred on Thursday, 10/21/2021.

10212021 = 212022

The stupid  scam below is just for 2/1/2022. It is telling you of something important on February 1 but also of 

2/1 is day 32. Day 32 in 2022 = 56

Dubbed "The Great American Eclipse", I told you when this event was happening that it would not only be a marker for when the Shit Would Hit The Fan, but that it was a play on words. Eclipse means to obscure, to cover or to move past. The great passing of the USA begins 55 new moons after "The Great American Eclipse" moved across the entire USA, from Lincoln Beach, OR to Charleston, SC.,_2017

A lunar month is 29.53 days long. 1625/29.53 = 55

The DJIA will likely form a steep V between now and Friday. The close on Thursday and maybe on  Friday WILL MORE THAN LIKELY BE 35, 500 or 31, the same as it was on Thursday, August 12, 2021 exactly 39 years after the CURRENT SECULAR BULL MARKET BEGAN.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Warning Warning Warning: Stock Market Crash Day Is Wednesday, 1/26/2022: The DJIA Will Be Between 34,000 And 34,100

 There will likely be no "V". The market will likely go down minimal today and tomorrow and land with a 3 digit handle of 340 tomorrow at close.

The market crashes on Wednesday, either from the Fed statement or from something else happening in the geopolitical world or a natural disaster

Saturday, January 22, 2022

I May Be 1 Week Early: Everything Else The Same: Minnie Driver: The Crash: Steve Carrell And Christian Bale: The Big Short: 4x2 "V Candle"

again this is a work in progress and I may or may not repeat some of the items I posted earlier. Most of it is right on...the day 31 in 2022 is 46 or 24. A "V" made with 4 candles on each side is 2x4 

There are only two choices and no more, point blank, plain and simple.

1. Something happens this weekend and the market crashes on Monday, 1/24/2022..or

2. Next week the market finalizes an 8 candle "V" with 4 candles on each side....2x4. then something happens over the weekend and the market crashes on Monday, 1/31/2022.

Minnie Driver stars in the below film which is about a financial disaster that bankrupts the USA, which is indeed what is getting ready to happen.

I think I may be one week early still. It will be very easy to know on Monday morning. If on Monday at 9:30 AM there has been no catastrophe and the stock opens up, or anything other than crash, then we are making an 8 candle "V" and the crash will be on Monday, January 31, 2022. I now feel as thought this is the highest percentage chance.

The below movie is a must watch. This movie is one of the biggest factors that has led me to the truth of what they are going to do...destroy most if not all of our major reservoirs and many smaller ones as well. Minnie Driver is one of the stars in this film.

Friday, January 21, 2022


...i will finish this and show you the proof, however just watch the video below and just as he is going from one page of his checklist to the next there is a quick screen that shows all of the check boxes empty...telling you what is the truth...we are no where near the bottom, only the early beginning of the crash.

Also note the 36 on the board and I will explain it all if I have time. 

Here is frame 1. This is where Cramer has just enumerated his checklist - page one. Note the time frame please. Also note the number board with the orange date of 1/20 and the bottom red numbers 36. Also note that it is the checked boxes (True) that he is telling you why we are "nearing a bottom"

Here is frame 2 this is the subliminal message! You need to watch this video, because technically in the Hollywood world of subliminal this isn't subliminal because it lasts too long. But it is only for a second or less. In true subliminal you never actually see it. Here it would be easy to miss, most probably do, and the ones that catch it will never understand they are telling you to your face that they are lying to you. It really is this simple.

Here is frame 3: Here you can also see that they are telling you that the stock market will close. This could mean 1 of two things...or both. The markets are getting ready to close intra day and probably for remainders of days because of hitting their "circuit breakers". If the market goes down 7% in one session in halts for 15 minutes. If it goes down to 13% it gets halted for another 15 minutes. If it goes down 20% in one session it closes for rest of day.

And the market will at some point close because of a catastrophe. Will that be next week? It could be but I think the market is going to crash for at least one week before it closes.

!Warning - Pacific Ocean West Coast USA Hawaii Alaska Catastrophe Happens Between Now And Monday, January 24, 2022- Warning!

 This is a work in progress...should be finished by Saturday Morning...but it may already be too late by then.


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Undersea Volcano Eruption Causes Tsunami In Pacific Ocean

 Happened On 1/15 (wave)/2022

Water flowed into the streets

Correction Update: Stock Market Crash Begins On Day 24 In 2022 Guaranteed: Monday, January 24, 2022: Charts Say So And So Does Cramer: Steve Carrell The Big Short

This is a work in progress, should be finished by tomorrow morning... 

Correction: The only part that I will have wrong is that there will be no "V". It will be a group of 4 candles that represent Monday. 1/24/2022 = 13 or 22. In all actuality there could be a v, but it would be a small one at the lower end of the 4 candle group. I think there could be a cross. It really does not matter because the market gaps down on Monday 

The August 16, 2021 candle I misinterpreted to convey only the body, but it was the entire candle with the lower wick. This is where the downturn started getting really steep.

Market will gap down on Monday, 1/24/2022 and will likely crash well over 50% IN ONE WEEK. PROBABLY MORE LIKE 80%

The 3 digit handle on the DJIA should be between 35,500 and 35,600 at close tomorrow, Friday, January 21, 2022. Here is why:

As "V" is letter 22 and "W" is letter 23, these are their favorite two letters for 
conveying "Stock Market Crash"

Christian Bale's next birthday is Monday, January 30, 2022 (He will turn 48)

Steve Carrell's last birthday was Monday, August 16, 2021 (He turned 59)

Also on 8/16: Elvis died (birthday is January 8, same as Battle of New Orleans)

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Market Gaps Down Tomorrow, January 10, 2022 and forms a 4 candle "V". Friday January 14, 2021 Will Be A Doji Cross Or Gravestone: Stock Market Will Be Close Whole Week Of January 17, 2022. Will Reopen And Crash On Monday January 24, 2022.

 Either way all hell breaks loose between 4PM Friday, January 14 and Wednesday, January 19. The markets will either never open that week because of a huge event, or they will close sometime that week.

Either way, the markets will crash or already be crashing on Monday, January 24, 2022

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024