Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Tuesday, February 1, 2022: Day 32: Aquarius New Moon: 55th New Moon Since Great American Eclipse: This Is The Big Day: This Is The Beginning Of The End Of The USA

 ...this is a work in progress. I have been studying this date for a long, long time. The grid will more than likely go down on this day or sometime in the month of February....I have waited to do this until I could get more info. Well I have it and this is the date when it will all begin.

The Year 2022 - 24. It is 2*3. It is 3*2. It is 22 with Century omitted

Day 32 is 32. 21 is 

21 is 7*3. It is 12. It is 4*3. It is 2*6. It is 6+6. It is 9+3.

216 is 36 or 66.

12 is 66

As you can see Brandon Lee's birthday is on 2/1. It is no coincidence that he died from a "fake shooting" just as in the Rust film shooting. The rust shooting occurred on Thursday, 10/21/2021.

10212021 = 212022

The stupid  scam below is just for 2/1/2022. It is telling you of something important on February 1 but also of 

2/1 is day 32. Day 32 in 2022 = 56

Dubbed "The Great American Eclipse", I told you when this event was happening that it would not only be a marker for when the Shit Would Hit The Fan, but that it was a play on words. Eclipse means to obscure, to cover or to move past. The great passing of the USA begins 55 new moons after "The Great American Eclipse" moved across the entire USA, from Lincoln Beach, OR to Charleston, SC.,_2017

A lunar month is 29.53 days long. 1625/29.53 = 55

The DJIA will likely form a steep V between now and Friday. The close on Thursday and maybe on  Friday WILL MORE THAN LIKELY BE 35, 500 or 31, the same as it was on Thursday, August 12, 2021 exactly 39 years after the CURRENT SECULAR BULL MARKET BEGAN.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024