Saturday, January 22, 2022

I May Be 1 Week Early: Everything Else The Same: Minnie Driver: The Crash: Steve Carrell And Christian Bale: The Big Short: 4x2 "V Candle"

again this is a work in progress and I may or may not repeat some of the items I posted earlier. Most of it is right on...the day 31 in 2022 is 46 or 24. A "V" made with 4 candles on each side is 2x4 

There are only two choices and no more, point blank, plain and simple.

1. Something happens this weekend and the market crashes on Monday, 1/24/2022..or

2. Next week the market finalizes an 8 candle "V" with 4 candles on each side....2x4. then something happens over the weekend and the market crashes on Monday, 1/31/2022.

Minnie Driver stars in the below film which is about a financial disaster that bankrupts the USA, which is indeed what is getting ready to happen.

I think I may be one week early still. It will be very easy to know on Monday morning. If on Monday at 9:30 AM there has been no catastrophe and the stock opens up, or anything other than crash, then we are making an 8 candle "V" and the crash will be on Monday, January 31, 2022. I now feel as thought this is the highest percentage chance.

The below movie is a must watch. This movie is one of the biggest factors that has led me to the truth of what they are going to do...destroy most if not all of our major reservoirs and many smaller ones as well. Minnie Driver is one of the stars in this film.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024