Tuesday, June 6, 2017

30,000 Young Adults At Sacramento State Will Be Flooded And Drowned

*The red pin is where 30,000 young adults are enrolled at Sacramento State University. It is adjacent to that 90 deg. northern bend in the American River just a few miles from where the tidal wave will start, first taking Folsom Prison with it.* There are no telling how many other Universities are in the path of hell to be unleashed exactly 3 months from today. This is part of their plan. America's youth will have been murdered by "The Russians" you will be told, and young men the country over, encouraged by their Fathers will line up to go kill themselves for the Grand Lie and Deception and False Flag.

Baby Stabbing BS - Colton, CA - Here Is Why

Sunday, June 4, 2017

London Bridge, Lake Havasu City, AZ - The Real Reason For The London Bridge Hoax

This bridge was dismantled and moved from London to the Lower Colorado River, with the intention to destroy. Glen Canyon Dam and more than likely Hoover Dam will be destroyed exactly 3 months and 3 days from June 3, 2017, on 9/6/2017. I have been predicting this for nearly 2 years. Go to my Google+ Posts for more info and the proof at:

Neal P's Google+ Posts

London Bridge, Lake Havasu City, Wikipedia

Notice Highway 95 (9/6-7/2017) adjacent to the bridge, notice also S. Palo Verde Blvd above. Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant just west of Phoenix Will be shut down as I have shown you many times. It is the largest Nuclear Power Plant In US and its only cooling is from sewage from Phoenix and when the water stops flowing from Phoenix so will the sewage. You will be in the dark Phoenix with no power, no AC in September 110 degree heat and you will have no water. Have fun, but you have been warned for 2 years now.

One Eye Alex Jones Is A Gate Keeping Globalist Wake Up America

1i means 19 or more importantly 91 or 9/2017 or September, 2017 - Wake Up America. And it also stands for the All Seeing Eye for which the New World Order will be, and for which Alex Jones is a part of - you have been scammed America by CNN, The World Governments, FoxNews and yes Alex Jones and Infowars - there is no difference between them except the minds of the people for which they control

Study Zach's Work On This One

June 3 - This was first numbers, but it went up as always

London Terrorized By Their Own Government Bullshit Hoax Propaganda

Top Photo:
Complete BS based on this one photo alone. First, the lady in forefront has not just been terrorized. (I have studied enough to know that is a look of guilt or shame or bewilderment about what she took place in - NOT terror or fear or grieving about real physical harm to her or others) The lady in the back is preoccupied with something and has no terror on her face. The most convincing part however is this. When people go through a traumatizing, terrorizing event, especially within minutes after, they immediately become comrades, and especially women do. If these women just went through what this article says they have they would have been huddled together. Just think folks, they would be sitting there comforting each other whether they were strangers or not. There is over 8 feet between them maybe 10. No terror here in this pic at all, only two bored ass women wondering how much longer before they can leave and get paid.
Bottom Photo:
Just open your mind and use your brains and think. When there is a murder in your city, do they show you pictures...no because it is a crime scene. This pic is not relevant at all. It is a pic of "Scary Police" in an organized fashion that does not show reality at all, if this were a real event. They want you to see this pic with the "black masked cops" with "assault rifles" to get you ready for when the police will look everyday, which will be soon.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Regional Banking - Continuing to Foretell The Market Crash Ahead

I will show you with this chart and the next few charts, why I told you to go short the Banks the first week in March, around 57 before the precipitous fall (check my Google Plus Posts for proof), why I reiterated that several times since then, and why you should still be short the Banks, especially the Regionals, and why the general market is getting ready to fall as well...more to follow

The Great False Flag Will Occur on 9/6-7/2017...

Neal P's Google Plus Posts
There are over 2 years worth of posts there that will absolutely prove to you, if you will but have the courage to open your eyes and stop listening to "Main Stream Media" Lies which includes Alex Jones (he is a controlled gatekeeper for the "Would Be Resistance") that absolute hell is coming. Think about this my friends. Does he give you any answers...No. He lies everyday. All he gives you is an outlet to vent your frustrations. He continues the same old Divide and conquer scheme. He does tell you something bad is going to happen, but there will be no revolution. The New World Order is here. What we all need is Christ and each other. If you think that any man, especially Trump or Jones will save us from the devil's men that run this world you are dead wrong. The only thing that will come close to looking like a revolution will be the riots and chaos that ensue after the Great False Flag of September 6-7, 2017 during the rising and setting of the Full Harvest Moon, after which there will be no more harvest in California and many other parts of the US growing regions.

It is not an "M"....maybe, but it is a crack, will there be a snap???

It is not an "M" or "m" at this point (it could end up looking like a cap M when they are through but for now it does not anymore), but the numbers are huge, and it is a double top with a crack of that top. I really think this is going to be a major crack and snap. I feel as though something bad is going to happen soon for several reasons. It could be a market drop on no news or it could be preceded by something bad this weekend or early next week. Why, coming up in the next posts but first the numbers.

The close yesterday Friday (6), 6/2/2017 (9): 21,206.29 or 119119 or 911x2 or 913 or 922 or 9/6-7. It was up 62.11 or .29%. 6/2/17 -> 9/6-7/2017 = 96-97 days, and this is the huge part. It was also 3 months and 1 day from the preceding all time high on 3/1. Keep in mind next week: Monday-Wednesday. 6/5/2017 (111), 6/6/2017 (13 and it is day 157 and as I have said for the 50th time that is why it was called D day and why D day was on that Day), 6/7/2017 (14). The 6th and 7th will be the 3 month marker until BAM day on 9/6-7/2017.

My prediction is that: There will be either a huge upturn or downturn by Wednesday next week, but I think that it will be DOWN as in 9->11 because 9 is the top and we are already at the top.

Friday, June 2, 2017

You need to check out this guy's work. I am going to break down some of his videos next.

You may think the "Wacky Package Sticker" below is simply funny and could not possibly have been meant as a Psyop back in 1973, you are dead wrong. BAM DAY has been planned for hundreds of years, more than likely as early as the beginning of the Gregorian Calendar, which the New World Order of Evil Men devised just so they could plan all of their evil deeds according to their devilish numbers.  Note the Caution in the below sticker: KEEP AWAY FROM BRIDGES AND ATOMIC POWER PLANTS WHEN NOT IN USE. You will not think that line is funny when there are no more (or far fewer I am not saying they will all be destroyed but they could be) bridges or tunnels linking Manhattan to Long Island, New Jersey, Staten Island

Gematria CalculatorThis is the best Gematria Tool for a beginner to get started with. I will show you more later.

The Most Important Piece Of Evidence - Of The Great False Flag Ahead

The most important piece of evidence, showcased in one image that predicts the hell on the way. This ad above is a link to and reference to a completely fabricated website. I first discovered this ad in the Summer of 2015. It also had a companion Horizontal Banner AD as well. They both ran intermittently on CNBC.com and FoxNews.come until the spring of 2016 when they suddenly stopped. There are literally dozens and probably hundreds of other ads out there that allude to "The Great False Flag Attack" which I have decided to call BAM DAY because of this one ad....more to follow

What is BAM DAY? I have personally coined the term BAM DAY to describe the DAY that the Psyop AD above is alluding to and referencing in a subliminal way. I believe this day will be comprised of or straddled by two calendar dates and will coincide with the "Full Harvest Moon" in September 2017. Those two dates are Wednesday and Thursday, 9/6-7/2017.

BAM = 313 and refers to "Moon" which equals 138 or 111 plus 6 and 7 or 13.
BAM also obviously refers to the term, well, fucking BAM or as in Kaboom, blow shit up or loud fucking noise....get it, got it, good.
Notice the 5 Red and Twisted Skyscrapers.

Red = 99 or 18 or just 9
5 = (9)671 which total 23.

9 is the number of nullification as when added to other numbers it always subtracts itself out if you compress the numbers back together. It is that simple...in other words if there is a nine involved you can always remove it to get to the compressed sum. But it is important when totalled in with numbers as well, as I will show you later.

I will show you later  what this logo means and how the company you think cares about healthy food supports the New World Order killing machine....more to follow...if you can not see the O in Whole is comprised of a subliminal 677 then you are blind, especially after I point it out

In gematria (the coding of numbers into words ie: A= 1, B=2, C=3) "Whole" = 603 or 9; "Foods" = 230 or 5; "Market" = 356 or 86 or 14 or 5

21, 144.18 as of close on Thursday, 6/1/2017 (8). This was a Thursday (5 or 8). It was 14 weeks or 98 days or 3 months, 6 days before Thursday, 9/7/2017 (8). This breached the preceding all time CLOSING HIGH of Wednesday, 3/1/2017 (5) which were exactly 3 months apart. BAM day will straddle 2 calendar days comprised of Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. The preceding high, very, very close to this one was on one of those days. The new one (yesterday) was on a Thursday. Today will be crucial. The small "m" inside of the larger "M" is still very much intact. Note also that the ALL TIME HIGH (21,169.11) on 3/1/2017 was not breached or closed above. It may get breached today, but I do not think it will be closed above. Unless it gets closed above in  a big way the m and M pattern is very much intact. Look at the W's I have shown you time after time...they are not perfect. Neither will the m and M's be.

Manila Bullshit


Of Course this completely staged hoax happened on a Thursday and that Thursday was 6/1/2017 (8), exactly 14 weeks or 98 days or 3 months, 6 days before Thursday (Fifth day of Week or 8 in Gematria), 9/7/2017 (8). No one died and No one got hurt during this event, unless of course one of the crisis actors stumped their toe or broke their fingernail.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
