The most important piece of evidence, showcased in one image that predicts the hell on the way. This ad above is a link to and reference to a completely fabricated website. I first discovered this ad in the Summer of 2015. It also had a companion Horizontal Banner AD as well. They both ran intermittently on and FoxNews.come until the spring of 2016 when they suddenly stopped. There are literally dozens and probably hundreds of other ads out there that allude to "The Great False Flag Attack" which I have decided to call BAM DAY because of this one ad....more to follow
What is BAM DAY? I have personally coined the term BAM DAY to describe the DAY that the Psyop AD above is alluding to and referencing in a subliminal way. I believe this day will be comprised of or straddled by two calendar dates and will coincide with the "Full Harvest Moon" in September 2017. Those two dates are Wednesday and Thursday, 9/6-7/2017.
BAM = 313 and refers to "Moon" which equals 138 or 111 plus 6 and 7 or 13.
BAM also obviously refers to the term, well, fucking BAM or as in Kaboom, blow shit up or loud fucking noise....get it, got it, good.
Notice the 5 Red and Twisted Skyscrapers.
Red = 99 or 18 or just 9
5 = (9)671 which total 23.
9 is the number of nullification as when added to other numbers it always subtracts itself out if you compress the numbers back together. It is that other words if there is a nine involved you can always remove it to get to the compressed sum. But it is important when totalled in with numbers as well, as I will show you later.
Exposing the lies, the Stock Market Manipulation, and the coming Apocalyptic Mayhem of "The New World Order" that will murder millions of Brainwashed Innocent People.
Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
Go to this link for the update today (4/13/2019 3:00 PM):
"Flash" = 631. "April Fool's Day" = 63. "Joe Biden" = 1. April 1 Is Day 91. "Joe Biden" Is ...
Could Monday, 10/19/1987 = Monday, 8/19/2019...And Thursday, 8/29/2019 = Thursday, 10/24/1929 8/29 is day 241. This is 2019. Thursday, ...