Sunday, June 4, 2017

London Terrorized By Their Own Government Bullshit Hoax Propaganda

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Complete BS based on this one photo alone. First, the lady in forefront has not just been terrorized. (I have studied enough to know that is a look of guilt or shame or bewilderment about what she took place in - NOT terror or fear or grieving about real physical harm to her or others) The lady in the back is preoccupied with something and has no terror on her face. The most convincing part however is this. When people go through a traumatizing, terrorizing event, especially within minutes after, they immediately become comrades, and especially women do. If these women just went through what this article says they have they would have been huddled together. Just think folks, they would be sitting there comforting each other whether they were strangers or not. There is over 8 feet between them maybe 10. No terror here in this pic at all, only two bored ass women wondering how much longer before they can leave and get paid.
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Just open your mind and use your brains and think. When there is a murder in your city, do they show you because it is a crime scene. This pic is not relevant at all. It is a pic of "Scary Police" in an organized fashion that does not show reality at all, if this were a real event. They want you to see this pic with the "black masked cops" with "assault rifles" to get you ready for when the police will look everyday, which will be soon.

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