Neal P's Google Plus Posts
There are over 2 years worth of posts there that will absolutely prove to you, if you will but have the courage to open your eyes and stop listening to "Main Stream Media" Lies which includes Alex Jones (he is a controlled gatekeeper for the "Would Be Resistance") that absolute hell is coming. Think about this my friends. Does he give you any answers...No. He lies everyday. All he gives you is an outlet to vent your frustrations. He continues the same old Divide and conquer scheme. He does tell you something bad is going to happen, but there will be no revolution. The New World Order is here. What we all need is Christ and each other. If you think that any man, especially Trump or Jones will save us from the devil's men that run this world you are dead wrong. The only thing that will come close to looking like a revolution will be the riots and chaos that ensue after the Great False Flag of September 6-7, 2017 during the rising and setting of the Full Harvest Moon, after which there will be no more harvest in California and many other parts of the US growing regions.
Exposing the lies, the Stock Market Manipulation, and the coming Apocalyptic Mayhem of "The New World Order" that will murder millions of Brainwashed Innocent People.
Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
Go to this link for the update today (4/13/2019 3:00 PM):
"Flash" = 631. "April Fool's Day" = 63. "Joe Biden" = 1. April 1 Is Day 91. "Joe Biden" Is ...
Could Monday, 10/19/1987 = Monday, 8/19/2019...And Thursday, 8/29/2019 = Thursday, 10/24/1929 8/29 is day 241. This is 2019. Thursday, ...