Monday, April 27, 2020

North Korea Will Attack South Korea And Japan In May 2020: Major Oil Refinery Will Be Attacked

North Korea (and possibly other belligerents) will attack South Korea In May 2020, more than likely the first half, by May 11th.

A major oil refinery is getting ready to be attacked, and I believe it is in South Korea.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Black Monday October 19, 1987 Is Predictor To Grid Down On Black Monday, 10/19/2020

There is plenty of time, but this is the day that the grid will go down. I will post more here or elsewhere but this will be what happens.

There will be two weeks of chaos before we are attacked on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday November 2,3,4.

The scapegoat is going to be "The World" against China in the ongoing Coronavirus scam. They are already being "sued" by other governents for being the fault of the spread....THIS WILL BE THE SCAPEGOAT...WAIT WATCH SEE

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

There Will Be No November Election 2020: Major Change: BAM Day Will Be BAM Week: Grid Goes Down Sunday, Monday, November 1-2, 2020: China Attacks Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Updated 4/27/2020: See Post About October 19: This Is When Grid Goes Down

China Will Be World Leader Into The Great Tribulation Period: The Will Be The Victor Of WW3

Depending on where you live in the World the Grid will go down on Sunday, 11/1/2020 (214) or Monday, 11/2/2020. Watch, Wait And See.

Disbelieve me at your own peril. This is what is going to happen whether you want it to or not. On Manic Monday, November 2, 2020 The complete grid will go down. No Power, No Water, No Communication. Then there will be a period of complete dead "silent" chaos over Election Day 2020, which will not occur. Then on Wednesday, 11/4/2020 Trump and Pence will be no more and Nancy Pelosi will become President 46.

I do not know what will happen, politically after that. It does not matter. They put into office whoever the want for the agenda at the time.

Doubt me at your own peril!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Update: 4/26/2020: Next Market Crash Begins Thursday, April 30, 2020 Exactly 231 Years After Thursday, April 30, 1789

Update: The next crash will either begin on 4/30 or day after on 5/1. I believe it will begin on 5/1.

Laugh All That You Want To: I Am Already Laughing At How Right I am: Federal Hall Will Be Destroyed When 40 Wall Street (The Trump Building) is destroyed and topples onto it. I have said this over and over and I will be right. At the same time (approximate) that Trump is being "Taken Out" his building will be taken out and destroy where the First President was inaugurated. Watch, wait and see.

The are drawing an "M" that is gong to be the connector between the last large "W" and the next "V" crash which will begin next Thursday, April 30, 2020.

Watch the video below, and around the 1 min. mark you notice them going back and forth between 1 and 2. In a common year 4/30 is day 120, however in a leap year it is day 121.

April 30, 1789 was the very first inauguration of the very first President. It was the only inauguration on this day, and it was the only inauguration in NYC, at Federal Hall, on 26 Wall St.

When I posted the below graphic for the first time, I told you then how important this was in relation to the coming market crash. Obviously I was very early, but I way understated how important this graphic really is.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

I Told You So: Amazon, Walmart Will Be Only Two Major Retailers: Any Grocery Stores Or Other Stores Will Be Completely Automated

Everything that is happening (not the virus, but the impact) I have warned you about. I have said dozens of times that Amazon and Walmart would be only two retailers and I will be right. Everyone thought that Amazon/Whole Foods would be good. I told you it would look that way for a while, but that it was for sinister reasons, and I am right and will be right.

It is not about being right, it is about how these bastards operate so that you can read what they are doing ahead of time.

You have 2-6 more weeks to prepare. After that it will be a major battle to procure ANY ITEMS that others perceive as "Essential" or even "Convenient".

It is too late to get truly prepared. This was their plan and I told you it would be. I just thought that the prelude to WW3 would be a military attack and not a "Virus Scam", that I was wrong about.

It is not going to get any better. This is it, for the next 2-6 weeks. The food crisis, the great depression will likely be here long before BAM day (either 9/13 or 11/4 and I thinking 11/4 at this point)

I Told You So: Mutations And Relapses Will Be Next Shoe To Drop: Coronovirus Infinity: The Face Coverings And Social Distancing Is Here To Stay

By The Time WW3 Breaks Out People Will Be Terrified To Be In Contact With One Another: They Are Training You To Care About You And No One Else:


Saturday, April 18, 2020

Bill Gates Predicts And Says Everything I Have Been Saying For 6 Years: In One Article: In 1997: How Did This Get Missed: I Don't Know

Just Read Zach Hubbard's Post: It Is All In Here: The Most Important Part: Our Grid And Military Defense Will Be Disabled With "Foreign Hackers"

This Is What Is Going To Happen Between Now And Fall

The Masks Will Never Come Off In Public Again: Not Until We Are All Under Communism: The Masks Will Be On For The Next Few Years: WATCH WAIT AND SEE

Friday, April 17, 2020

Major Major Major Changes Coming: It Should Be A W V W: The V Is Going Very Very Deep In My Opinion: Bam Day Either 9/13; 10/19 or 11/4

I may just update the previous stock market post, or I may transfer a lot of that info here. Some of the dates that I posted are still good, just marking different things.

Most Important is that the market should top next week, more than likely on Wednesday or Thursday. The market will crash down big beginning on Tuesday, 5/5/2020 and it will likely be a 4 candle down, 10 candles up to end the "V" on the Gemini New Moon....

I now believe that BAM day, the day the great floods begin will be on the same day as the flood of Noah, this year it will be on November 4 or Cheshvan 17. (17th day of 2nd Month)...more to follow

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I Told You So: Your Freedom Will Never Return: You Will Have To Have Temperature Checked To Dine Out Or Get A Haircut

We will never return to the "Normalcy" that we had before "Coronavirus" BS. And the American people have GLEEFULLY ACCEPTED IT. They really believe there is a virus that they are fearful of and that we need lose our freedom to prevent it from attacking them. Truly very sad. As a matter of fact, I felt this today: They are telling us things are getting better all the while imposing more and more restrictions by the day. This is how they operate. The story below is just another, but it shows (It is California folks. Either California or NY are always used for the trendsetting areas) what is coming for the whole country.

You will never shop at Walmart again, without going through what you are right now....NEVER, WATCH WAIT AND SEE

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Updated - I Told You So: Mandatory Masks Vaccines Coming: You Will Not Be Permitted In Public Places Without Masks Or Proof Of Vaccine

Update: They are planting the seeds now, just as I have shown you. This will be part two:

Also, the plan with the Cornovirus scam is more than a predictor of what is coming in September, It is going to cause all supplies to be gone long before 9/13/, wait and see. It all begins to get much worse by Late May into the Summer

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Updated: Current Rally Will Finish On Taurus New Moon: Then Crash On May 6: Then Another V Until June 15: Then Last Crash On Cancer New Moon

I am very, very confident of this and will try to get all of the pertinent charts and numbers up soon

Update: After yesterday's action, I am a little less confident of the market going higher until April 23. I still think it is most likely, at least 75% chance. The other chance is that it does what I thought it was going to just a couple of days ago (a second adjacent "W" and an upper wick (which is now there) and then another lower wick on the right "W" would make WW3). We will know Monday which way it is going. It is one of these routes. I am going to continue to post as if it is going to do what I have listed in this headline.

Update 2: After studying this morning much more, if the market does go up from here, and then crash on May 6, I believe it will be May 6,7 a two day crash, 20% each day. This is the last halt limit that stops the market for the rest of the day. I believe it will be a two day crash, 20% each day for a total of 40% drop in two days. If the Dow goes up to around 26,000 by 4/23 then a 40% decline would be in the middle of the WW3 Chart Pattern of 2015/2016.

If you click on the link below, watch the second video. The graphic below is a still shot early in the video. The whoe 46 thing is not referring to when, it is referring to what...flash, and with The Flash actor being murdered by The Numbers And Bullets Guy on 4/2/2020 this is reinforced. It is flash up then flash down, plus the date of the famous flash crash is 5/6 and this is how it is all tied together.

Below is the outline of the important dates that they will mark on the chart:
April 22,23 (Current Rally Pinnacle; This is the Taurus New Moon)
May 6,7 (Market begins very steep crash and begins a "V" that will be pretty much directly adjacent to the current "W". The current pattern is actually a "W" at the consolidated into the trough of a much larger "V". I really don't think that is what they will draw beside this "W" I think it will be a "Pure V". If anything it may resemble a "Bullhead" or a "Bullhead VW" as last years WVBullhead in June 2019.
June 3 This will be the trough of the next "V"
June 15 This will be the right pinnacle of the next "V"
June 22 This will be the beginning of the final crash before July 4 and September 13

The trough of the "W" that has just finished happened on March 23. While the New Moon at its most direct point is on the 24th, this is one of the "New Moon Days" and being close is important enough. The crash started on 2/24 or one day after the technical "New Moon".

Trump's DOB is 6/14/1946 (73 turning 74)

Xi's DOB is 6/15/1953 (66 turning 67)

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Update: I Believe This Is A Bad Call: Looks Like They Are Drawing WW3: Just As In 2015/2016 Except With A Twist

I will update this sometime tomorrow or Thursday. Just one or two more days and we should be able to tell exactly if this is what they are drawing.

Judging by today's action and the candle more importantly it looks like it is going to be a flash rally and just a single "W". Time will tell.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Flash Crash Monday?: Or Flash Rally?: Or Flash Crash Then Flash V Rally Recovery??? Something Very Fast Is Getting Ready To Happen: More Than Likely Monday, 4/6/2020

This post is in the works. Please watch the below video.

Monday, April 6, 2020: Stock Market crashes 19%, setting off the 7 and 13% halts, but not quite the 20% halt. The market then ends UP 1%. The market will fall to the low of June 27, 2016 (17,100 on Dow, 2000 on SP) Brexit V, then it will recover to end UP by 1%. The Headline will be: Market Crashes 19% Ends Up 1%

Here is my prediction for Monday (which will probably not work out, lol). The S&P (and/or Dow) go down 19% and then recover, possibly to end up. I believe the market will get just short of the last "Circuit Breaker" of 20% before it recovers. The pundits will then proclaim "The Bottom Is In". The will proclaim "Capitulation Has Occurred" and it is now "Safe To Buy". Then the market goes from fear to greed.

I think it is possible to have a "Flash Crash" Monday, and that finishes the right inside leg of the "W". Either that, or the market has a massive rally Monday. Either way, the talking point or cause will be the latest "Coronavirus" numbers, and more importantly as I have shown you, the right side of the V will begin. So, the market is getting ready to go up very fast, but it may go down very fast first...this is what I think is very likely.

Note: The bust buying opportunity in many years may very well be on Monday, or could it have been on Friday? We will have to wait and see.

If there is a huge "flash crash" on Monday, more than likely it will at least trip the 7 and 13 percent halts. If the crash does happen, for some reason I think it will not trip the 20% as that stops trading for the rest of the day. If it is a flash crash, that means it usually comes back the very same day as well. This will be very, very interesting. Where will it go if it is a crash??? To one of the Trump Rally dates and then it rebounds.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Second Wave: Mutations: Relapses: Resistant Strain: This Will Be The Last Straw: All That America Will Have On 9/13/2020 Will Be Paper Towels And Toilet Paper

This is the 4th or 5th story like this that I have shown you. You need to believe me. This is what is going to be coming beginning in early June. This will be the theme more and more, through April and May as the market goes back up they will be preparing you for the real crash coming in July.

They have made sure, to make Americans believe that toilet paper and paper towels are more important than food. Here is what I mean: This scam is a virus. They have convinced you that sanitation and not food is what you need. Right now at Walmart and the rest of the stores about the only thing (with the exception of some chicken and hamburger) you cannot procure so easily is paper towels and toilet paper. This has caused Americans, and it will in the future, to think that this is what they need to the toilet paper and paper towels come rolling back in, and they will within a few days or a couple weeks at most, the people will keep buying and buying these items....but not food because the food supply will normalize (already has pretty much). So Americans are going to stockpile paper and not food....big mistake.

The story below is not from the above links. It is totally different. Both of these came out today. I told you so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Holy Moly Ravioli: W Is Basically Finished: Bottom Right Leg Is Finished: They Are Drawing the Huge "V" Of December/January/February 2018/2019 All Over Again

Update 5:10 AM 4/2/2020: If you look at the line that is drawn at the trough of the bullhead you can see it is in line with 1/25/2019 or the top of the "V" (The "V" has two tops, 1/25 and 2/25). The line bisects the "V" into its core and extended versions. So, what this means to me is that is where the current rally will end on 6/15/2020 and yes this means there will not be a new high. This is one option of two, the other being a new high. I think we will know by end of April beginning of May where it is going to end. 

Note: As soon as I am confident that I have the chart pattern correct I am going to more than likely shut this blog down for a while. I am very concerned about folks getting crazy and trying to call me a "cornavirus denier". The beginning of the end is here. There will be no more NCAA, No More NBA after this year. Colleges will all be closed, flooded. 

The below graphic shows the Dow Chart and huge "V" that was drawn during December 2018 through February 2019. At the lower portion of the "V" is an incorporated "W", with 1 that was made up of the huge candle down and up over the 24,25,26. The very lowest left candle is December 24, 2018. Then there is no candle for December 25 and the first day up was Wednesday, 12/26/2018. The "V" was complete on Monday, 2/25/2019 (273)

The below graphic shows the 2018/2019 VW along with what is being drawn now. The fall was so fast and deep that I can't get the very top ("M") in this graphic. But there is an "M" atop this chart. The two vertical lines on the right are Monday, June 15 and Wednesday, July 15. I believe a similar "M" will be drawn here. The question is will there be a new high and which of those peaks will be the highest. I believe it will be mirrored and it will likely be a new high as well on June 15. I think July 15 will be the secondary "M" peak and then crash until BAM day on 9/13.

The lower two lines are the points of the Dow on Wednesday, 11/9/2016 and Friday, 1/20/2017

Talking Point Will Be: "We Had To Test The Bottom One Time": Then "W" Will Complete: Then On To Mirror "M" Top As Jan/Feb: June 15,16 Then July 15,16 Will Be Second Twin "M" Top: Watch Wait See

Shutting This Blog Down Later Today

People are just too emotional and brainwashed right now by the whole virus scam. Free speech is going away, it really has already.

Once the Coronavirus scam subsides somewhat I will probably open this blog back up.

I am shutting this blog down this afternoon and hope to open it back up within the next month or two.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024