Thursday, April 2, 2020

Second Wave: Mutations: Relapses: Resistant Strain: This Will Be The Last Straw: All That America Will Have On 9/13/2020 Will Be Paper Towels And Toilet Paper

This is the 4th or 5th story like this that I have shown you. You need to believe me. This is what is going to be coming beginning in early June. This will be the theme more and more, through April and May as the market goes back up they will be preparing you for the real crash coming in July.

They have made sure, to make Americans believe that toilet paper and paper towels are more important than food. Here is what I mean: This scam is a virus. They have convinced you that sanitation and not food is what you need. Right now at Walmart and the rest of the stores about the only thing (with the exception of some chicken and hamburger) you cannot procure so easily is paper towels and toilet paper. This has caused Americans, and it will in the future, to think that this is what they need to the toilet paper and paper towels come rolling back in, and they will within a few days or a couple weeks at most, the people will keep buying and buying these items....but not food because the food supply will normalize (already has pretty much). So Americans are going to stockpile paper and not food....big mistake.

The story below is not from the above links. It is totally different. Both of these came out today. I told you so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024