Thursday, April 9, 2020

Updated: Current Rally Will Finish On Taurus New Moon: Then Crash On May 6: Then Another V Until June 15: Then Last Crash On Cancer New Moon

I am very, very confident of this and will try to get all of the pertinent charts and numbers up soon

Update: After yesterday's action, I am a little less confident of the market going higher until April 23. I still think it is most likely, at least 75% chance. The other chance is that it does what I thought it was going to just a couple of days ago (a second adjacent "W" and an upper wick (which is now there) and then another lower wick on the right "W" would make WW3). We will know Monday which way it is going. It is one of these routes. I am going to continue to post as if it is going to do what I have listed in this headline.

Update 2: After studying this morning much more, if the market does go up from here, and then crash on May 6, I believe it will be May 6,7 a two day crash, 20% each day. This is the last halt limit that stops the market for the rest of the day. I believe it will be a two day crash, 20% each day for a total of 40% drop in two days. If the Dow goes up to around 26,000 by 4/23 then a 40% decline would be in the middle of the WW3 Chart Pattern of 2015/2016.

If you click on the link below, watch the second video. The graphic below is a still shot early in the video. The whoe 46 thing is not referring to when, it is referring to what...flash, and with The Flash actor being murdered by The Numbers And Bullets Guy on 4/2/2020 this is reinforced. It is flash up then flash down, plus the date of the famous flash crash is 5/6 and this is how it is all tied together.

Below is the outline of the important dates that they will mark on the chart:
April 22,23 (Current Rally Pinnacle; This is the Taurus New Moon)
May 6,7 (Market begins very steep crash and begins a "V" that will be pretty much directly adjacent to the current "W". The current pattern is actually a "W" at the consolidated into the trough of a much larger "V". I really don't think that is what they will draw beside this "W" I think it will be a "Pure V". If anything it may resemble a "Bullhead" or a "Bullhead VW" as last years WVBullhead in June 2019.
June 3 This will be the trough of the next "V"
June 15 This will be the right pinnacle of the next "V"
June 22 This will be the beginning of the final crash before July 4 and September 13

The trough of the "W" that has just finished happened on March 23. While the New Moon at its most direct point is on the 24th, this is one of the "New Moon Days" and being close is important enough. The crash started on 2/24 or one day after the technical "New Moon".

Trump's DOB is 6/14/1946 (73 turning 74)

Xi's DOB is 6/15/1953 (66 turning 67)

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024