Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Holy Moly Ravioli: W Is Basically Finished: Bottom Right Leg Is Finished: They Are Drawing the Huge "V" Of December/January/February 2018/2019 All Over Again

Update 5:10 AM 4/2/2020: If you look at the line that is drawn at the trough of the bullhead you can see it is in line with 1/25/2019 or the top of the "V" (The "V" has two tops, 1/25 and 2/25). The line bisects the "V" into its core and extended versions. So, what this means to me is that is where the current rally will end on 6/15/2020 and yes this means there will not be a new high. This is one option of two, the other being a new high. I think we will know by end of April beginning of May where it is going to end. 

Note: As soon as I am confident that I have the chart pattern correct I am going to more than likely shut this blog down for a while. I am very concerned about folks getting crazy and trying to call me a "cornavirus denier". The beginning of the end is here. There will be no more NCAA, No More NBA after this year. Colleges will all be closed, flooded. 

The below graphic shows the Dow Chart and huge "V" that was drawn during December 2018 through February 2019. At the lower portion of the "V" is an incorporated "W", with 1 that was made up of the huge candle down and up over the 24,25,26. The very lowest left candle is December 24, 2018. Then there is no candle for December 25 and the first day up was Wednesday, 12/26/2018. The "V" was complete on Monday, 2/25/2019 (273)

The below graphic shows the 2018/2019 VW along with what is being drawn now. The fall was so fast and deep that I can't get the very top ("M") in this graphic. But there is an "M" atop this chart. The two vertical lines on the right are Monday, June 15 and Wednesday, July 15. I believe a similar "M" will be drawn here. The question is will there be a new high and which of those peaks will be the highest. I believe it will be mirrored and it will likely be a new high as well on June 15. I think July 15 will be the secondary "M" peak and then crash until BAM day on 9/13.

The lower two lines are the points of the Dow on Wednesday, 11/9/2016 and Friday, 1/20/2017

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024