Monday, November 30, 2020

Final Dow Top On 12/2/2020 Just Like Dow Top On Lincoln's Birthday On 2/12/2020: Biden/Harris Assassinated On 12/9/2020: Trump Pence Assassinated On 12/18/2020

 The Dow top in February was on Lincoln's Birthday, 2/12/2020 (29,551.42 or 46 or 24 or 212 times two)

The next Dow top should be today and or tomorrow.

The crash starts Friday, December 4, 2020 and gets worse on Monday, 12/7/2020. Something is going to happen between market close on Friday, December 4 and market open on Monday, December 7.

Major Change: Civil War First (Or A Coup): China Uses Opportunity To Finish Us Off

Civil War (or a coup attempt by Trump) is what is coming. I will try to post more detail later but you what you will be told happened  

will be as below:

Much of the destruction that will kill Trump, Pence and DC will be carried out after they tell you that Trump and some his military friends took out Biden and Harris. It all starts no later than 12/9/2020.

1. Biden and Harris will be assassinated on 12/2 or 12/9.

2. You will be told that Trump did it by partially taking over the military.

3. Then you will be told that some other group, military officials or whomever staged an attack to take out Trump.

4. At some point China finishes us off.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Major Oil Asset Destroyed On "Black Friday": Markets May Crash Or Be Closed That Day: Alaska Pipeline, Permian Basin, South Korea Or Elsewhere

 Eddie Money was murdered on Friday, September 13, 2019 and Ric Ocasek was murdered on Sunday, September 15, 2020 for a reason. Plus on 9/15/2019, placekicker Adam Vinetiere, whom is number 4 said "You'll hear from me tomorrow".

Two weeks ago, this coming Friday, was Friday, November 13, exactly 14 months after Eddie Money was murdered by "The Numbers And Bullets Guy". Friday, 11/27/2020 will be exactly 14 months and 14 days or 14 months and 2 weeks x 7.

Eddie Rabbitt was born on 11/27. His signature song is "Driving My Life Away".

Both Eddie Money and The Cars had very popular radio hits involving the word "Shake". Earthquake is synonymous with shaking.

No oil means no cars.

There is going to be a major oil asset destroyed sometime between Thursday, 11/26/2020 and Monday, 11/30/2020. The stock market should crash on "Black Friday" but definitely by Monday, 11/30/2020. Black Friday was coined, as I have stated many times on here, just for what is coming this year, 11/27/2020, and not shopping or retail.

Friday is a short day, perfect for a crash or going short. Oil is black. It is called "Black Gold".

Monday, November 23, 2020

Stock Market Crash, Trump Rally Deleted Beginning 4 Years 18 Days After Trump Rally Began: Black Friday, 11/27/2020

 I have it coming up, but today should begin another "v" opposite another one and below an "A" to make an 144

What I do not have, is what they may tell you caused it. It could be nothing. It could be virus, vaccine related, economy, or some military attack or natural disaster involving oil.

Final Dates 100% All Proof To Be Posted: Joe Biden - Kamala Harris Assassinated On Wednesday, 12/2/2020: Donald Trump - Mike Pence Assassinated Wednesday, 12/9/2020

 I have it all coming up. There will be no more second guessing, except for what is coming later this week or next to get it all started, and something is coming. It will be either oil or financial related or both.

2020 = 11...0...11...0

"Assassinate" = 1

"Assassinate" = 1

"Assassinate" = 1

"Assassinate" = 1

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be assassinated first on Wednesday, 12/2/2020

Donald Trump and Mike Pence will be assassinated second, along with the "Shit Hitting The Fan" in general, on Wednesday, 12/9/2020.

Listed below are 4 entertainers, in music, that died recently (murdered by the numbers and bullets guy).

They are 3 men and 1 woman. They are 3 white people and 1 black person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe Biden is a white man.

Kamala Harris is a black woman.

Donald Trump is a white man.

Mike Pence is a white man.

3 men, 1 woman. 3 white, 1 black...BAM!

The first two were murdered on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 (924 or 424). The second two were murdered exactly 1 week or 7 days later on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 (164 or 664).

Biden = "Die" BN (25 or 7 or 16 or 124)

"December" = 1 or 19. December 2, 2020 = 124, 25, 52, 16

Biden's birthday to his death day on 1/2 is exactly 12 days.

Trump's birthday to his death day on 12/9/2020 is 178 days. (88 or 16)

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Updated: Stock Market Top On Wednesday, 11/18/2020: 4 years 9 Days After "Trump Rally" Began On 11/9/2016: Crash Begins Next Day: Thursday, 11/19/2020: South Korea Attacked 11/19/2020

Updated 11/17/2020: 3:45 PM: Everything below should be fairly accurate except one thing. The market crash may not begin until Thursday. 

There will be a total of 323 (8) candles. The big question is, will the eighth one be a "crash" candle or not.

There is going to be an event more than likely. It will involve oil or Biden, or both.

 I believe the closing high for the DJIA will be today, 11/17/2020, 4 years and 9 days after Trump's Selection on 11/8/2020.

The Intra-Day high will be on Wednesday, 11/18/2020, but will turn around toward the end of the day, more than likely based on a huge event.

I believe the event that will happen will be North Korea attacking South Korea, and possibly Japan on 11/19/2020, but, it will be 11/18/2020 here toward the end of the trading day. After the news flash the markets will begin to crash.

The other event that could happen would be the Trans Alaska Pipeline being destroyed, either by earthquake or military attack.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Updated: Trans-Alaska Pipeline (TAPS) Destroyed: November 16 Most Likely Date: Stock Market Crash Likely Tomorrow

 Here is how the unfolding scenario will most likely play out:

More than likely an earthquake of great magnitude is what will destroy the TAPS.

The goal is to have a very, very major dividing point between Biden And Trump supporters, enough to convince you of Biden's assassination by Trump and his supporters and military.

I am not sure if they play Taps at Presidents funerals if they were not in military, but they will be playing this plenty in the near future.

1. Some Oil Asset will be destroyed more than likely preceding the grid going down and or Biden/Harris assassination.

2. I believe the grid will likely go down before either Biden/Harris or Trump/Pence get assassinated.

3. The absolute deadline for "The Shit Hitting The Fan" is December 14th when electors cast their scam bullshit votes.

4. I believe the deadline is Tuesday, November 24, 2020 and I also believe that, that will be the day of the worst beginning to happen.

5. It could all happen or begin to happen very close to or on 11/24. (In other words the grid may go down on 11/24 and then it all begins to happen.

6. I believe a good chance the stock market crash begins tomorrow based on some event.

7. The  grid may go down while the market is still at the highs, and then it crashes when it reopens.

8. Either way, we are within hours to a couple of weeks before it all begins.

I think that an oil asset being destroyed will be the first scapegoat. Then Biden and Harris will be assassinated and blamed on Trump and His military takeover. Then they will tell you outside forces interceded somehow. This is what is on the way

"September" = "November" they are the only two months that equal 13 in numerology or gematria. 

Eddie Money (Two Tickets To Paradise, Shakin, Gimme Some Water) died on Friday, September 13, 2019

Ric Ocasek (The Cars, Shake It Up) died on Sunday, September 15, 2019.

11/16/2020 is day 321 this year.

Eddie Money's birthday is 3/21. Ric Ocasek's birthday is 3/23, the day the market bottomed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Update To Last Post: Joe Biden AND Kamala Harris Will Be Assassinated Today Or Tomorrow: The Whole Plan And Scapegoat Are Finally Once And For All Exposed And Complete

 Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will both be assassinated. I believe it will involve both today and tomorrow, but it could be either day.

You will be told that either Trump Supporters did it or Trump and the military did it. It will be tied to Trump, however WITHOUT PROOF. It will be all speculation.

That is when the shit will really start to hit the fan.

They will be "shot down" with missiles more than likely.

Either way, Biden will die no later than 11/11/2020.

I think the attack will happen on calendar day 11/10/2020, but he will have been declared dead the next day on 11/11/2020.

Both the bond market and stock market will crash afterward.

We will be attacked by China, Russia, North Korea, Iran

Tidal Waves, Earthquakes, Military Strikes on our infrastructure will all happen over the next month. Nearly every major reservoir and many smaller ones are getting ready to be destroyed by either earthquake or military attack, and will flood the downstream cities and colleges.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Last Post For Clarification: Biden Will Die On Tuesday, 11/10/2020: You Will Be Told Of His Problem On Monday, 11/9/2020

 More than likely Joe Biden will have a heart attack tomorrow, Monday, 11/9/2020. He will not die until the next day on Tuesday, 11/10/2020.

There are no more posts needed forevermore.

Biden = Die On BN or 11/10/2020 (214 or 25) Case Closed.

Everything goes downhill afterward.

Joseph Robinette Biden Will Die On Monday, 11/9/2020: Of Heart Attack: Leaving USA And World In Confusion: Bond Market And Stock Market Crashes At Same Time

 I have been saying for years and years that the day was coming that Stocks and Bonds would crash AT THE SAME TIME. 




This will be the scapegoat for China, Russia attacking us, and for assassinating Trump and Pence. They will tell you later that they wanted no chance for Trump being re-elected and that they would rather know the outcome with Pelosi rather than chance it on Harris or anyone else. And it is very likely that Harris will take over on 1/20/2021. 

Last Last Post: Election Is Not Over: Pelosi Will Be President 46: Or Kamala Harris Will Be: Point Blank, Plain And Simple: Biden Is On The Cusp Of Dying: SNL Proves It

Joseph Robinette Biden Will Never Be Inaugurated President Of USA, Nor Take The Oath Of Office Of President Of USA,  Under Any Circumstance Whatsoever. Watch, Wait, See. Biden Will Die Before 1/20/2021

Joe Biden is getting ready to die. There is no doubt about this.

Joe Biden should die on Monday, 11/9/2020. This is the Hymn that he partially quoted in his "Victory Speech"

It was used in 9/11 memorials. It is a Catholic Hymn for funerals. It was written about a Son whose father had died of a heart attack. Beau is already dead. Biden's first wife and daughter died. Joseph Robinette Biden is getting ready to die. 

The election is not just think it is, this is how good the New World Order Is. Read below.

Joe Biden will die very soon, probably between now and 11/11/2020 and no later than his birthday on 11/20. I think most likely date is 11/9/2020. Something big happens tomorrow more than likely, definitely by 11/11/2020, Leonardo DeCaprio's Birthday.

Biden's 1 year old daughter and wife died in car accident on 12/18/1972

Biden's Eldest Son Died On 5/30/2015 (88) 46 year's old.

President 46 will take office because of a death. "President Elect" Biden 46 will be taken away, or he will die before taking office.

Whomever President 46 Is, It Will Be Temporary

The 54th Presidential Election, 20 years ago was on 11/7/2000 (272), same day as Biden declared winner. Tomorrow is 11/9. I believe Biden will be "Undeclared" on 11/9 sometime before or during trading hours and will cause market to crash.

Trump is President 45. 

Yogi Berra said in 1973 (119) that "It Aint Over Till It's Over". Read below.
I believe Joe Biden will be "UnDeclared" Winner sometime on 11/9/2020.

The Very Next President Of The United Scam States Of America Will Be A Female: Point Blank, Plain And Simple: Doubt All That You Want To: It will be number 46 and their name will be Pelosi or Harris. I believe that both Pelosi and Harris will be President 46 and 47.

Listen To The Headlines And You Will Be Wrong

Here are the only options left:

1. Election Results will be certified as Joe Biden winner (50% chance this will happen)

If this is what happens, then this is what happens next: Trump and Pence get assassinated. Pelosi rises to President 46. Biden then dies "by natural causes" in the interim and Kamala Harris becomes President 47.

2. Election is thrown up in the air again. I believe this is most likely scenario. 

Biden will be declared "Not President Yet" very soon, probably by late today or early tomorrow sometime. It may take a while for the declaration, but something that makes that obvious will happen soon, such as Trump getting very close to or overtaking Biden in either PA or NV or both. If this is what happens, then the same thing happens next. Trump and Pence are deleted, before ever beating Biden and with Biden not being redeclared winnder. Biden then dies, leaving Harris to become President Elect, and then becoming President 47.

The 2000 election was between a former President's son and a former VP. This one is about a sitting President and a former VP.


Below are references to Pelosi as President. This is all that matters, she will be next President.

Below is Dow chart in 2018. 2019

Nancy Pelosi made her very first Political "coming out" announcement on 2/12/1987 (237 (57 just like Donald Trump)). The very top of the Dow was on 2/12/2020. 2/12 is Lincoln's Birthday.

There has never been so many, so large V's on the charts. And, the very last chart pattern before election results declared was a "V" with a hanging man to finish.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Last Update I Have Whole Scapegoat For WW 3: Last Post: Last Election Post: Trump Will Lose: Trump Will Not Concede: Fox News Proof: Bond Market Crashes 9 Days After Death Of James Bond

 Update: 11/6/2020: 10:50 AM: There will not be a need for anymore posts or updates. The end is almost here. Here is the scapegoat:

Over the weekend Trump loses election, and the media calls it on all networks. Trump will refuse to concede. The rhetoric will be fierce but then comes China and the rest of the World....SELLING U.S. TREASURIES AND CHINA BY FAR OWNS THE MOST.

After China begins selling treasuries and the bond market crashes, Trump will attack China and slap on more tariffs and no telling what else. It is this simple. China will then take our grid down and attack us, in the midst of natural disasters as well.

Between now and Monday morning Biden will be called winner. Trump will not concede. I do not know how it all plays out but my guess is they tell you Trump is not planning on vacating the White House come 1/20/2021.

Whatever happens is going to crash the Bond Market and Stock Market at same time, beginning Monday.

Sometime on election day Trump said "He as no concession or victory speech prepared". What he meant was..."I am going to lose" but "I am not going to concede"

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Updated: Tie Not Possible: It Is About Nevada, Las Vegas, Route 91 Music Bullshit Shooting: Herbert Hoover: Hoover Dam: Great Depression: Election Post: Election Will Be A Tie As Predicted: 269 To 269

Updated: Thursday, 11/5/2020: 4:40 AM: I believe that NC, GA, PA will be called for Trump, by tomorrow more than likely. Then the whole thing will hinge on Nevada. I have no idea the outcome but I believe it will be contested and drawn out. Eventually I think the media will call it for Biden and Trump will refuse to concede and from there it all goes downhill. I believe you will hear the terms "Dictator Trump" and so on.

The market looks to be forming an "s hook" just as predicted. It should open higher today, but close lower. Then tomorrow should be lower even more. Then the big crash comes on Monday, 11/9/2020. 

Biden Will Win Nevada

Biden Will Win North Carolina

Biden Will Win Wisconsin

Trump Will Win Michigan

Trump Will Win Georgia

Trump Will Win Alaska

Trump Will Win 1 Maine Vote

Final Will Be 269 To 269 or 8989

Stock Market Begins To Go Down Thursday, Friday, Crashes On Monday

One More Post As I Got Crash Wrong: Election Will End In Tie Of 269-269: Market Is Making An "S" Just As June 8: Market Crashes On Monday, 11/9/2020: Crashes 8 Days Then Grid Down

 Last Market Trading Day Will Be Wednesday, 11/18/2020 Exactly 3  Years After Malcolm Young Was Murdered: Grid Goes Down On  A Straddled Date: Will Be 9 PM-Midnight Pacific Time and Midnight - 3 AM Eastern Time. I Believe it will be very close to 3 AM (2:55 - 2:59).

I do not have time now to post specifics but this is the plan. My guess is that they will tell you China wanted Trump gone but since polls showed Biden way ahead they decided to see if Trump will lose. I believe that the rhetoric will be fierce. I believe Trump will blame China and many others. I believe Trump will likely sanction China very steep and they will tell you this is the last straw.

Even if Democrat take the House I think they will tell you that a Trump win is still likely as it is the states delegates and not the individual congressman that will decide each states vote.

As you can see below, just as Genesis 7 states. In 17th day of second month (Cheshvan at that time was second month, God Had Moses changed months later on), the rain began (This is November 4). Notice that halfway in would be 11/24/2020, which is more than likely when Trump will be assassinated. (It should be in 11/20/2020 or between then and 11/24/2020.

Note that 11/9 = Cheshvan 22. "Crash" = 22.

At the top of current chart is a double top with an "M" that encapsulates an "W".

This makes 4545 or 99 or 11*9 or just 9.

The close on the 3/23/2020 low equaled all 9's.

The market will end up on Friday, 11/6/2020 with a 3 digit handle of 272.

This last graphic has to fit, and it does. This was from an Friday, 8/11/2017 article.

Wednesday, 11/4/2020 = 244 or 1
Thursday, 11/5/2020 = 2
Friday, 11/6/2020 = 3

Even though Saturday seems implied here, it is not shown. The 4 stands for crash. This article is referring to the stock market. Markets are closed on the weekend. Next trading day after Friday would be Monday.

Red = 9
X = 24 or 1 or 22

1*2*3*4 = 24
Monday, 11/9/4 = 24

Note that 11/9 = Cheshvan 22. "Crash" = 22.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024