Tuesday, November 3, 2020

One More Post As I Got Crash Wrong: Election Will End In Tie Of 269-269: Market Is Making An "S" Just As June 8: Market Crashes On Monday, 11/9/2020: Crashes 8 Days Then Grid Down

 Last Market Trading Day Will Be Wednesday, 11/18/2020 Exactly 3  Years After Malcolm Young Was Murdered: Grid Goes Down On  A Straddled Date: Will Be 9 PM-Midnight Pacific Time and Midnight - 3 AM Eastern Time. I Believe it will be very close to 3 AM (2:55 - 2:59).

I do not have time now to post specifics but this is the plan. My guess is that they will tell you China wanted Trump gone but since polls showed Biden way ahead they decided to see if Trump will lose. I believe that the rhetoric will be fierce. I believe Trump will blame China and many others. I believe Trump will likely sanction China very steep and they will tell you this is the last straw.

Even if Democrat take the House I think they will tell you that a Trump win is still likely as it is the states delegates and not the individual congressman that will decide each states vote.

As you can see below, just as Genesis 7 states. In 17th day of second month (Cheshvan at that time was second month, God Had Moses changed months later on), the rain began (This is November 4). Notice that halfway in would be 11/24/2020, which is more than likely when Trump will be assassinated. (It should be in 11/20/2020 or between then and 11/24/2020.

Note that 11/9 = Cheshvan 22. "Crash" = 22.

At the top of current chart is a double top with an "M" that encapsulates an "W".

This makes 4545 or 99 or 11*9 or just 9.

The close on the 3/23/2020 low equaled all 9's.

The market will end up on Friday, 11/6/2020 with a 3 digit handle of 272.

This last graphic has to fit, and it does. This was from an Friday, 8/11/2017 article.

Wednesday, 11/4/2020 = 244 or 1
Thursday, 11/5/2020 = 2
Friday, 11/6/2020 = 3

Even though Saturday seems implied here, it is not shown. The 4 stands for crash. This article is referring to the stock market. Markets are closed on the weekend. Next trading day after Friday would be Monday.

Red = 9
X = 24 or 1 or 22

1*2*3*4 = 24
Monday, 11/9/4 = 24

Note that 11/9 = Cheshvan 22. "Crash" = 22.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024
