Sunday, November 8, 2020

Last Last Post: Election Is Not Over: Pelosi Will Be President 46: Or Kamala Harris Will Be: Point Blank, Plain And Simple: Biden Is On The Cusp Of Dying: SNL Proves It

Joseph Robinette Biden Will Never Be Inaugurated President Of USA, Nor Take The Oath Of Office Of President Of USA,  Under Any Circumstance Whatsoever. Watch, Wait, See. Biden Will Die Before 1/20/2021

Joe Biden is getting ready to die. There is no doubt about this.

Joe Biden should die on Monday, 11/9/2020. This is the Hymn that he partially quoted in his "Victory Speech"

It was used in 9/11 memorials. It is a Catholic Hymn for funerals. It was written about a Son whose father had died of a heart attack. Beau is already dead. Biden's first wife and daughter died. Joseph Robinette Biden is getting ready to die. 

The election is not just think it is, this is how good the New World Order Is. Read below.

Joe Biden will die very soon, probably between now and 11/11/2020 and no later than his birthday on 11/20. I think most likely date is 11/9/2020. Something big happens tomorrow more than likely, definitely by 11/11/2020, Leonardo DeCaprio's Birthday.

Biden's 1 year old daughter and wife died in car accident on 12/18/1972

Biden's Eldest Son Died On 5/30/2015 (88) 46 year's old.

President 46 will take office because of a death. "President Elect" Biden 46 will be taken away, or he will die before taking office.

Whomever President 46 Is, It Will Be Temporary

The 54th Presidential Election, 20 years ago was on 11/7/2000 (272), same day as Biden declared winner. Tomorrow is 11/9. I believe Biden will be "Undeclared" on 11/9 sometime before or during trading hours and will cause market to crash.

Trump is President 45. 

Yogi Berra said in 1973 (119) that "It Aint Over Till It's Over". Read below.
I believe Joe Biden will be "UnDeclared" Winner sometime on 11/9/2020.

The Very Next President Of The United Scam States Of America Will Be A Female: Point Blank, Plain And Simple: Doubt All That You Want To: It will be number 46 and their name will be Pelosi or Harris. I believe that both Pelosi and Harris will be President 46 and 47.

Listen To The Headlines And You Will Be Wrong

Here are the only options left:

1. Election Results will be certified as Joe Biden winner (50% chance this will happen)

If this is what happens, then this is what happens next: Trump and Pence get assassinated. Pelosi rises to President 46. Biden then dies "by natural causes" in the interim and Kamala Harris becomes President 47.

2. Election is thrown up in the air again. I believe this is most likely scenario. 

Biden will be declared "Not President Yet" very soon, probably by late today or early tomorrow sometime. It may take a while for the declaration, but something that makes that obvious will happen soon, such as Trump getting very close to or overtaking Biden in either PA or NV or both. If this is what happens, then the same thing happens next. Trump and Pence are deleted, before ever beating Biden and with Biden not being redeclared winnder. Biden then dies, leaving Harris to become President Elect, and then becoming President 47.

The 2000 election was between a former President's son and a former VP. This one is about a sitting President and a former VP.


Below are references to Pelosi as President. This is all that matters, she will be next President.

Below is Dow chart in 2018. 2019

Nancy Pelosi made her very first Political "coming out" announcement on 2/12/1987 (237 (57 just like Donald Trump)). The very top of the Dow was on 2/12/2020. 2/12 is Lincoln's Birthday.

There has never been so many, so large V's on the charts. And, the very last chart pattern before election results declared was a "V" with a hanging man to finish.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024