Sunday, November 15, 2020

Updated: Trans-Alaska Pipeline (TAPS) Destroyed: November 16 Most Likely Date: Stock Market Crash Likely Tomorrow

 Here is how the unfolding scenario will most likely play out:

More than likely an earthquake of great magnitude is what will destroy the TAPS.

The goal is to have a very, very major dividing point between Biden And Trump supporters, enough to convince you of Biden's assassination by Trump and his supporters and military.

I am not sure if they play Taps at Presidents funerals if they were not in military, but they will be playing this plenty in the near future.

1. Some Oil Asset will be destroyed more than likely preceding the grid going down and or Biden/Harris assassination.

2. I believe the grid will likely go down before either Biden/Harris or Trump/Pence get assassinated.

3. The absolute deadline for "The Shit Hitting The Fan" is December 14th when electors cast their scam bullshit votes.

4. I believe the deadline is Tuesday, November 24, 2020 and I also believe that, that will be the day of the worst beginning to happen.

5. It could all happen or begin to happen very close to or on 11/24. (In other words the grid may go down on 11/24 and then it all begins to happen.

6. I believe a good chance the stock market crash begins tomorrow based on some event.

7. The  grid may go down while the market is still at the highs, and then it crashes when it reopens.

8. Either way, we are within hours to a couple of weeks before it all begins.

I think that an oil asset being destroyed will be the first scapegoat. Then Biden and Harris will be assassinated and blamed on Trump and His military takeover. Then they will tell you outside forces interceded somehow. This is what is on the way

"September" = "November" they are the only two months that equal 13 in numerology or gematria. 

Eddie Money (Two Tickets To Paradise, Shakin, Gimme Some Water) died on Friday, September 13, 2019

Ric Ocasek (The Cars, Shake It Up) died on Sunday, September 15, 2019.

11/16/2020 is day 321 this year.

Eddie Money's birthday is 3/21. Ric Ocasek's birthday is 3/23, the day the market bottomed.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024