Friday, April 5, 2019

Patrick Reed Two By Two Proof: Gravestone Begins V 10 Weeks Before Trumps 73rd

All three charts are of yesterday's close. First one is annotated 1 year chart. Second is 1 year chart no notes. Third is intra-day chart as of yesterday's close. As you can see, and as I told you yesterday, the 2019 Master's is about 2x2. It is about 2001/2002 and then 17 and 18 years later. It is about the 11. It is about the 33. Augusta National is on 33rd parallel. Patrick = 933 and Reed = 14 "Patrick Reed" = 911. He went to college right beside of Augusta National. His name and skill have earned him his place in Golf History. On the first chart I have a square around the 4 preceding candles that represent Patrick Reed and his back to back wins. Then I have tried to show you what the upcoming "V" might look like.

Today is Friday, 4/5/2019. It is 47 days or 1 month 17 days until Wednesday, 5/22/2019. It is 70 days or 2 months 9 days or exactly 10 weeks until Trump's 73rd birthday on Friday, 6/14/2019.

And if you look at the intra-day chart again, for the third day in a row, there are more "V's" than you can count. I am confident that the final game will be Michigan State vs. Virginia, and with all of these "V's" I am thinking that Virginia will probably win. Hey at least the words "Michigan" and "Virginia" are in the final four, and I told you they would be, not by my great sports analytical ability, but by breaking their code. It is that simple. I am not a sports analyst, I am a code breaker.

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