Thursday, April 25, 2019

Complete And Total Vindication: I Could Quit Now: People Still Will Not Listen

George H.W. Bush told you it was coming on 9/11/1990, exactly 11 years before 9/11/2001. This is exactly what I have said would be the way that it happens. People will simply disregard this article as they do not understand that the news is owned by the New World Order, as is your government.

You can not stop this my friends. All you can do is prepare for the rough ride...and that may not be enough. All we can do is try. Notice the two mugs and whose is front?

You had better watch and download the HW video as others have already been deleted. This was on 9/11/1990. Some have thought that it was 1991. Not possible because of the timeline of the events he was discussing.

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