Monday, April 8, 2019

NCAA 2019: What Have We Learned: Neal P Is A Half-Ass Accurate Flake

Update: I have the whole ball of wax coming up. It is all there, I just misread some of it. Some of it I got right. It is that simple.

You can scour YouTube and all of the blogs. I have rarely if ever seen anyone go over and review their mistakes, and believe me the internet at large makes far more mistakes than I do. You can't learn, and show others as well, unless you learn from mistakes.

Looks like the "V" was for "Virginia" after all. This is what I saw, long before Selection Sunday and I probably should have just stayed with it the whole time. They "V's" Were all over the intra-day chart yesterday as well. If I have not proven that sports are rigged, then stay tuned for The Masters.

Note on the chart below the 7 points. The first point was on 10/03/2019 or the very top so far and the day of the FEMA Presidential Alert Text that many of us received. The 7th point will be either on 5/22 or 5/31. (231 or 240 days later). 79 or 16. Trump = 7.

Total For Last NCAA Basketball Game Ever

Dow Jones Close On 4/8/2019

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024