Wednesday, April 3, 2019

West Virginia: You Have Been Warned: Something Will Happen In WV

Something, some hoax, some bullshit shooting, some major news event will happen in the state of West Virginia between now and 5/22, if not on 5/22. It could be a weather event folks. Something will happen in the state with the abbreviation...WV. 

41 in Area
Capital is Charleston, named after same King as Charleston, SC.
35th State

Note the Marshall University Plane Crash that I have extensively covered before. This was either a complete hoax, or the "missing students" would have been murdered. Either way the crash did not happen more than likely. It is easy to stage a plane crash as the American people will believe nearly anything that is shown to them on TV.

11/14/1970 (258 or 458) Day 318 (39 or 57)
November  = 4 in Numerology.

5/22/2019 = (543 or 343) Day 142
May = 3 in Numerology.

Saturday, 11/14/1970 to Wednesday, 5/22/2019 is 17,712 days (9)

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024