Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Abraham Lincoln: Number 16: Current Rally Top On April 15: Cramer Says So: From Lincoln's Birthday To Deathday

April 15 - Day 106 In Leap Year: Lincoln Was Shot On 4/14 Died 4/15. Born 2/12, the top.

The current rally that begun on the Trump Rally Dime, will top out on Wednesday, 4/15/2020. It will then roll over and crash on 4/22 and/or 4/29

Note the graphic below. The 46 stands for April and 1. The 15 stands for 15. The 1 adds to the 15 for day 106. It is this simple. The two green arrows mean it is going up until 4/15 or day 106. BAM.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024