Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I Told You So: Cramer Proves Novel Scam Coronavirus All About Coming China Takeover World Dominance: Tells You Where Market Is Heading

It is all in here. Click the first video and watch. China will be the primary attacker on BAM day. There will be Chinese Military in your town later this year, whether you want to believe it or not....and as he tells you in the video..."it is going to be permanent"

Note at the end how he uses the prase "think big" over and over. Note the spam and mustard. I believe he is telling you in 35 days the market will be at 29, 700 and then will crash...we will find out for sure in the days ahead

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024