Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Today: Wednesday, March 18, 2020: 10,000 (or 11000) Point "V" Bottom: Next Top On Wednesday, April 22, 2020

"Novel" (Work Of Fiction) Coronavirus is a complete scam. There is no virus. It is a predictor, telling you of the complete shutdown coming in September. Started in China. Got better in China. Now is infecting the whole first world. It is this simple. You have been scammed, and bullshitted. This latest bullshit scam is the best example so far, in all of the years I have been researching their bullshit, of how the whole world is completely controlled by a group of men, all the way down to the local municipalities. It is this simple. 

Today will mark the bottom of the biggest "V" ever on the charts. The "V" that bottomed on 12/24/2018 was the predictor to this "V". It will have fallen by 10, 000 points. It will go back up 10,000 (possibly 11000) points mirroring the left side. From where the Dow stands today, it would be exactly 13% to the beginning of Trump Rally. 13% is the second "halt" point. We shall see. It will be either 10 and 10 or 11 and 11. 11 and 11 makes more sense. So get ready for another wild ride today possibly.

First off note below the chart of the DJIA. This is a daily candle chart that shows the smaller large V in contrast with the present larger large "V".

Grover Cleveland is the only President to serve to terms not side by side. He was #22 and #24. Today March 18, is his birthday. The present V will top out on 4/22 and will roll over on 4/24. It will likely crash big time on Monday, 4/27/2020. In his second term as #24 he was succeeded by McKinley who was the third assassinated President.

The smaller (it will be in retrospect once the larger "V" has materialized) "V" in the center bottomed out on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 12/24,25,26/2018. The left leg finished on Christmas Eve. Christmas Day straddled the very bottom center of the "V". Then Wednesday, 12/26/2018 the first up day of the right leg occurred.

The lower purple line is Wednesday, November 9, 2016, the very first day of the Trump Rally. The previous close, where the Trump Rally began was 18,332.74. The right purple vertical line is Wednesday, 4/22/2020. I believe that today the DJIA will touch the Trump Rally beginning, or get very close, then head back up. I think that today will possibly be a big hammer reversal. We shall see. I believe that the Trump Rally will be taken out for good between 4/22/2020 and Friday, 6/12/2020, the last trading day before Trump's birthday on Sunday, 6/14/2020.

What will the bullshit be, that they tell you, is the excuse for the rise, and next fall. Easy. There is only two choices. The tell you everything is getting better, or the hope is there. Then they tell you one of two things, or both for the real collapse coming after 4/22: That the economic impact of the virus was much worse than feared....and/or relapses cause the coronavirus to get even much worse. They are going to give you a 35 day reprieve...then the real hell begins, in my opinion.

All that the graphics below can show you is calendar days. Wednesday, 2/12/2020 to Wednesday, 3/18/2020 is exactly 35 calendar days. Wednesday, 3/18/2020 to Wednesday, 4/22/202020 is exactly 35 calendar days.

2/12/2020 to 3/182020 is exactly 24 trading days.
3/18/2020 to 4/22/2020 is exactly 24 trading days.

Days 43 -> 78 -> 113

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024