Friday, March 27, 2020

Updated: Crash Should Begin Wednesday, 4/1/2020: Great Stock Market Crash Of 1929 Replayed Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday (Arpil 2,3,6,7) 33, 033 Days Later Proof Here

Update: Crash should begin Wednesday, 4/1/2020. Below is probably the most important graphic of this post, and quite possibly of all time, and I will try to explain why later...hopefully. This is a one day, intra day chart of the DJIA - Friday, 3/27/2020.

If you read my post from last Wednesday, that covers the close on Tuesday, 3/24/2020 I showed you why I thought the market was going up until 4/6. I still believe that it is 46, but in a different way...4222. Note it was a 24. The crash began on 2/24. Steve Jobs Birthday is 2/24. Apple's birthday is 4/1/1976. 3/24/2020 to 4/2/2020 is 9 days. 9 days is the number to get back to the same number again...within the same month, however, as this span of 9 days straddles a new month, the numbers do not work out like that. It is still a 9, the number of starting over.

The below event happened on Monday, 10/19/1987

Note below that the date 10/24/1929 (1) = The date 4/2/2020 (1). Obviously all four "Crash Days" are on same day of the week so the timespans between each respective day of the week will be the same....33,033. We will see more reasons that this number is very important. 66 is the code for this number.

The below 123 graphic was clickbait for an article that was published on on Friday, 8/11/2017, just ten days before "The Great American Eclipse".

Here is the most important thing about the graphic and related dates: In 2020 there are 3 months that fit the dates below: January, April and July all begin on Wednesday. Interestingly they are all 3 months apart and within the first half of the year. It is easy (not in the past, but now) though to differentiate and mark which month this graphic is referring to...April. April = 4. "April" =2. "X" = 24. It also = 1. Not the only number not market with "X" is 4 for April.

I now believe that a "bullhead" is what is currently being drawn (I think it is likely to double as an "M" as well). The pinnacle should be Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. I believe that all 3 "market halts" (7,13,20%) are going to be used on one of these days. Don't be surprised if it is Thursday.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024