Monday, April 29, 2019

China Will Win World War 3: Then The New World Order Begins: But First Billions Die

 That's right, you saw the headline right. Billions will die...NOT MILLIONS. It will take a few years to get to billions, but my friends, after 9/11/2019 all that you and I will know will be death. People will have died, or will be dying everywhere. Dying from initial attacks (drowning, bridge collapses, building collapses, direct hits), dying from war, dying from disease, dying from starvation and thirst and the exposure to the elements.

The "South China Sea" BS below is just that. I have covered this extensively over the years. They are building nothing in the South China Sea. It is all to scare you and convince you ahead of time who the enemy and attacker is. It will be China and or Russia. This is what they will tell you. I have demonstrated and proved over and again that the photos that they show you that are military installations in the South China Sea are nothing but model photos on a desktop that look rather childish but the American People buy anything and everything that the news throws at them. In the first photo below, clearly, those are real ships. But folks, this is arbitrary and means nothing. Even if those ships are moving through "South China Sea" it means nothing. Note however that it is 1 and 4 ships...same as China Flag...1 and 4 stars in shape of crescent.

Look at the annotated photo that I have below the featured story. I posted this on Google Plus on 7/4/2016 (119). This is when the story ran. There have been numerous stories all the same as the below bullshit. The first photo is without notes. Download this photo and please look at it up close and you will see it is completely fake. They are not real ships, it is not real water. I have posted numerous stories and photos just as those below.

Revisit the story that I just posted the other day (that tells of China's rise) please:

Photo That Accompanies Above Story Link

Photo From Story On 7/4/2016

Point 6 Complete: 27,332.74 Coming Up Next: Record Close This Week

There should be a record close on the Dow Jones this week. The S&P and Nasdaq both went to record closes last week. It looks like the point number 6, that I showed you on 4/23 (same number as 5/22 or 5/31) will hold.

Here is what I think: They will take the DJIA to the Final Top (difference between "The Top" and "Record Close" is this...The Top will be the last Record Close....That you and I will ever see) on the back of "China Trade Deal Hopes" and earnings news. Then after the top is in, something bad is going to unfold with the "China Trade War BS". This is what will cause market to crash, and it will be blamed on Trump of course...because it is "The Trump Rally" that they will delete over the summer, the market will be at 18,332.74 or less on 9/10/2019.

Further proof that, when the market crashes after 5/31/2019, that it will be caused by "Something to do with China" is the last link below. It may be a combo of Military Scare and Trade War BS. But the "Trump Rally" will be deleted and blamed on China, same as his own demise will be. China's Stock market has dropped over 10% just in the last few weeks.
6th Point As Of Close On 4/23/2019: DJIA

Point 6 Stands On 4/26/2019 DJIA

Friday, April 26, 2019

Thursday, April 25, 2019

House Underwater: Car Underwater: Troubled Bridge Over Troubled Water

The "Car Underwater" video below was shot in Brooklyn, between Doughty St. and Elizabeth Pl. It was shot 1 block from Old Fulton St. and Brooklyn Bridge Promenade You need to research "Fulton St.", Robert Fulton, Fulton Ferry. The ferry is coming back in Manhattan and all across America when the bridges come tumbling down.

Also note the video was shot at night. This lends to the idea that the 9/11/2019 attacks will be at night. In the darkness.

The lead singer for Armor For Sleep is Ben Jorgensen. His DOB: 7/4/1983 (23 or 77, just like 7/4/1776!!!).

Accuweather Story 4/25/2019,_Brooklyn

Track Listing For "What To Do When You Are Dead" By Armor For Sleep

Area Where "Car Underwater" Was Shot

Complete And Total Vindication: I Could Quit Now: People Still Will Not Listen

George H.W. Bush told you it was coming on 9/11/1990, exactly 11 years before 9/11/2001. This is exactly what I have said would be the way that it happens. People will simply disregard this article as they do not understand that the news is owned by the New World Order, as is your government.

You can not stop this my friends. All you can do is prepare for the rough ride...and that may not be enough. All we can do is try. Notice the two mugs and whose is front?

You had better watch and download the HW video as others have already been deleted. This was on 9/11/1990. Some have thought that it was 1991. Not possible because of the timeline of the events he was discussing.

Today On

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

S&P Record Close: Dow Moves On Toward 27,332.74: May 31 Top

Ok, the last 2 points (4/16 and 4/18) that I thought might be a numbered point got covered up by the last couple days action. Will yesterday's point hold? It was 4/23 or the same number as 5/31. If it is to hold then we will have to go down or sideways for a couple of days or so. And, if it does go down/sideways my guess is that it will not go down that much as I noted on the chart below all of the troughs on the right side of the large "V" are more shallow than their counterparts on the left side. It could be that the final count will be 6. It will be 6 or 7.

I am not going to add to or post more on the NBA Finals until Denver either wins or loses the current series. I still think they will win and judging by yesterday's game, I think they will try and show you that "Denver is starting to come on strong". This is what they like to do. Have the so called hottest team out there, winning the most games (hint Milwaukee) and then have an underdog come from behind and take the whole thing. I believe that is how this will play out and how it will be regarded in hindsight.

Dow Close On 4/23/2019

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Denver Nuggets: 2019 NBA Champs: Against Milwaukee Bucks

Please see my post on the BS UNCC Shooting Hoax and why this is about the flooding and destruction of Charlotte, NC, Lake Norman:

Why is the "Trump Rally" called "The Trump Rally". Why will the absolute and final Dow Jones Top be on 5/31/2019, a day that equals Trump and his Presidential number, and it will be 14 days before his Birthday? Find out all of this here:

t is all coming. Denver will defeat Milwaukee to win their first ever national championship. It is about "first times". It is about Gold, It is about 8,26,53. It is about Denver. It is about Colorado. It is about 5280. It is about 15. It is about the Continental Divide. It is about so is all coming up. It is about the "X" and 24 and September 11. It is about DIA, DEN (Denver International Airport). It is about Columbine BS School Shooting, it is about the South Platte River. It is about Chatfield Dam and Reservor.

It is about Milwaukee. It is about Wisconsin. It is about 5. It is about 5 Great Lakes. It is about Lake Michigan. It is about the flooding of Milwaukee. It is about the flooding of Lake Michigan and the other 5 Great Lakes.

It is about Happy Days (Not) and  Laverne and Shirley. It is about Mork and Mindy, Robin Williams, Ron Howard and Boulder, CO. It is about Beer.

UVA Logo: 2019 NCAA Champs

Brand New Nuggets Logo: 2019 NBA Champs

A Figurative "Continental Divide" Is Coming

Milwaukee's Etymology

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Fresh Food: Fresh Fruit: Is Going Away: I Told You So...Many Times

They could wipe out bananas with a fungus if they wanted to, just like they did chestnut trees, but this is a psyop. They are going to wipe out your food sources by destroying the irrigating capability. No Water = No Farms = No Food = Argentina = USA...After 911

Buy food, water, and toilet paper

Remember, when you see "accidentally introduced" that is code for...New World Order Mad Scientists...Introduced It

The bottom line is does not matter how they wipe out or delete our food sources, they are going to do it and they have been clearly telling us this through code, through the literal loss of foods, to Michelle (Michael) Obama's food deserts...the food is going to be scarce, it is going to be a crisis the likes of has never been seen.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

27,900 Here We Come

First note the M for Masters and W for Woods...and 45 equals "Tiger Woods". If I would have simply researched Tiger Woods more from the beginning I would have gotten it right. I actually should be researching much more of whatever sport it is, but I am simply short on time, and I dislike sports, even researching it. The small letter to the right of the "Woods" W looks like a "V" to me, but it could be a "U". Either way you see the points that I have listed 1-6 and then the future point 7 that will be the absolute top. I will be able to tell you before hand when the top will happen, and there will be no question at the close on the day of. The only place on here that I am off is the size of this last letter.

The market should go sideways to slightly down for another day or another few days so as not to cover up the point (point 6) that is atop the last small "V" (or U). Then the market will begin to head to the final pinnacle of all time, never to be reached again...and that will occur on either 5/22/2019 or 5/31/2019. I am leaning to 5/31 as the old adage "Sell in May and go away" was more than likely coined just for May 2019 and the very last day of May would be a perfect way to go out.

I am leaning more everyday toward 27900 being the all time high three digit handle.

Please check out my other latest post on the destruction of Lake Norman and Charlotte, NC here:

DJIA Close On 4/17/2019

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Cowan's Ford: The American Revolution: The Hornet's Nest: Lake Norman: The Whole Story

Update Sunday, 4/21/2019: Here is the most important part of this post: My friends, if I do not add any more to this post, here is what is important...You can take any reservoir, any major city that I have told you will be inundated and wiped out and you can do the same thing, and this will help you see, understand and prepare for what is coming. For example: Take any major reservoir on the Tennessee River and do exaclty what I have done below and you will see. I can not do this for every reservoir, for every major city that will be destroyed. Do it yourself and it will mean more. I will try and add more to this post, but if you can not see that Charlotte, NC and the Catawba river will be destroyed then so be it. I can not force you to believe me. All I can do is try.

Correction: On the map below "Beck's Creek" should be "Byers' Creek". BTW, the Byers' creek headwaters and the Rocky River headwaters are about one half mile apart.


Byers' Creek Will Spill Over Into Rocky River

Here is an excerpt from the Wiki article that is linked below:

The Battle of Cowan's Ford was a battle in the Southern Theater of Cornwallis's 1780–1782 Campaign that eventually led to the British Army's surrender at Yorktown during the American Revolutionary War. It was fought on 1 February 1781 at Cowan's ford on the Catawba River in northwestern Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, between a force of about 5,000 British and fewer than a thousand Americans who were attempting to slow the British advance across the river. The American general William Lee Davidson was killed in this battle.[3]

The entire Catawba "Chain Of Lakes" will be destroyed. Every reservoir between Lake James and Lake Moultrie, SC will be destroyed and anything in its way will be too

Ok, if you look at the photo and article about the 3 boating accidents, this is a good article and a good photo to break down...however it will take some time. It may take me a week or more to finish this post. That photo is a complete staged bullshit photo op and if you will just try to follow and have an open mind I will show you the truth and you will believe me. Just try.

The organizer of the "Vigil" was the mother of one of the deceased best friends...her name, Nicole Motley. Note the below excerpt, which explains the origin of Motley....

"The exact origin of motley is uncertain, but it's likely to have come from the Middle English word mote, meaning “speck.” ... Mottle is actually a back formation of motley. In the sixteenth century, the multicolored clothing worn by a fool or court jester became known as a motley."

The psyop here is "Fool". This is how they operate and I have shown you this many, many times.

Note the location of Cox Mill High School, right beside of Rocky River (Yadkin-Pee Dee River Watershed). The boating accident happened on Lake Norman which is in Catawba River Watershed. The Rocky River headwaters is right beside Lake Norman and the Catawba River watershed. Notice from the map that I-77 roughly is the dividing line between the two watersheds.

Note Don T Howell died Monday, 8/20/2012 (91 year's old). The reservoir that has his namesake is right above Cox High School, but the outflow is Coddle Creek which flows into Rocky River below the school. I believe and have for quite some time that this reservoir will also be destroyed, and I believe that it could impact this school's general area. Note also that this reservoir started out as "Coddle Creek Lake" then was changed to Lake Howell and then a resolution to change it back was drawn up. It  must have failed as that was 2016 and it is still Lake Howell on Google Maps. This bullshit happens all of the time.

Cornelius, NC and Davidson College

Cornelius Man Wakes Up And Decides To Go Teach Police Bomb Making

Ok, I am going to break down this photo below now. First let's isolate the parts (people) of the photo below. 1) Woman with sunglasses to the left (Woman A) 2) Young Woman with sunglasses to the lower right (Woman B) 3) Three girls on lower left (3 girls) 4) Hugging couple (couple) 5) Black girl back right (black girl). I also have another photo same as below that is annotated that I will be posting as well.

First thing to note that is between these different elements below, and the rest that I did not list, there is not one tear, and none of these elements are even close to being "together" or "synchronized" or "similar". Everyone here is separated from the others (the only ones that look the same are the 3 girls but they are separated from all of the others. These 3 girls are purposefully "looking" the same, and it is not grief) There is no grief in the picture, no even the hugging couple....NONE, NADA, NO GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It matters not who you know. It matters not if someone you know says they know someone here or the victim...if there is no grief there was no loss...point blank, plain and simple...this photo contains people that have supposedly been affected by this loss, they are supposed to be friends of the victim yet there is no grief, no purpose here. This entire group of people look like they are waiting for something to be over, in the hot sun, so that they may be on their way to whatever it is that they really want to do...which is to not be here.

Complete Bullshit - This Is A Staged Photo Op

Cox Mill High School Where BS Vigil Occurred - No Where Near Lakes

Rocky River Is Tributary Of Pee Dee River Not Catawba

Coddle Creek Is Tributary Of Rocky River

Cox High School 3 Miles SW of Lake Howell

NC Highway 73 Traversing Below Coddle Creek (Lake Howell) Dam

NC Highway 73 Traversing Below Cowan's Ford Dam and McGuire Nuclear Station
Rocky River Headwaters Are Adjacent To Catawba River Basin,_North_Carolina,_North_Carolina,_North_Carolina,_North_Carolina,_North_Carolina,_North_Carolina

Monday, April 15, 2019

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Tiger Woods Will Win - Patrick Reed Was The Decoy, I Bought It

Also Patrick Reed will be the one to present the Green Jacket to Tiger. Folks it is all here. I had it backwards, it was all staged folks, like always

As I am typing this now Tiger is at a 4 point deficit. His first name is also...Tiger, just like the Clemson Tigers just upstream from where he is playing at the moment. 4 point is nothing with a day and a half left. Note he is currently number 12. Note also that the close on the Dow, the last close before the Master's finish, equaled 333 or 9 or "Tiger Woods". Here is another stat to support his win and the numbers. He has 107 total professional wins and 80 PGA wins. That is 17 and of course...if he wins that moves to 18, on both counts, just like his name and the years since his back to back, and the stock charts and close. If he wins tomorrow his count will be 5 Masters and 108 total. Augusta National is on Washington Rd, in Augusta, GA. The last time Tiger won was 4/10/2005, 14 years ago.

I feel certain (even with Tiger off to a seemingly rough start today) that Tiger will win. I was misreading a repeat for a back to back. Also if Tiger wins that would be 4 in this Century and he has already won 4, this would be number 5 my friends, just like "Tiger". I think I missed it.

Could all of the references to 17,18,45, Tiger Woods, Patrick Reed just be the years apart in Master's wins. Reed can still win, but Tiger seems more likely. I  believe that one of these two will win based on themselves, circumstances and not apparent likelihood or ability. Again, we will learn much more after the finish. We need to see a pitch shot that is either set up to or the winning shot, and this thing has something to do with Augusta, GA itself  (where Washington visited and stayed on Southern Tour of 1791, and will be inundated and wiped out) and of course each of these player's names.

Note the chart below. The small down ward cup is a "V" I believe. Very small indeed. Now, look at the "W" to the right for "Woods" and his full name = 45. His last name = 13 and his first name = 32. His birthday is 12/30/1975 making him a Goat (Baphomet just like the chart below resembles (laugh if you want, but I think I missed one big time simply by not researching Tiger enough, even though I called for him to win early on last year). Also his birthday = 33, where Augusta is, the 33rd Parallel.

I got it wrong I do believe, Tiger Woods will win the 2019 Masters. This is my last call on this one, and I will post afterwards, if I can figure it out, just like the NCAA made crystal clear sense afterward.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

LMAO - Patrick Reed Will Win - It Get's No Better Than This - Pitch Up, Pitch Up

Go to this link for the update today (4/13/2019 3:00 PM):

More Words would add nothing to this vindication.

The second story link talks about Patrick Reed's parents and their BS "Cut off ties" after his marriage. They are calling his parents estranged. It is complete fakery, just like the rigged sport. It is about how close they are to the Savannah River. It is about families being separated and entire families being drowned.

To see the rest of my posts on Patrick Reed and 2019 Masters just click the 2019 Masters Label.

May 31, 1889 (548): The Seventeen: The Nine: The Top: The Precursor

I will be adding more to this post today and or tomorrow. This is very important.

The Absolute Positive Top on the Dow Jones Industrial Average will be on either 5/22/2019 or 9 days later on 5/31/2019. I am beginning to lean toward 5/31 for several reasons, most important is the Johnstown Flood, which I have told you over, and over and over was deliberate and is a precursor to what is really coming...on 9/11/2019. It is one of these two days, it can be none other. If they are indeed doing a "V" right now, which I still believe they are, then 5/31 is most likely the top. If they do not do a "V" then more than likely 5/22 is the top.

Note the 2016 Olympics, that I covered extensively, including Michael Phelps BS, was in Rio (River) and was going on at the same time as Springsteen's River Tour 2016.

Note the shape of the Rio logo. There are what looks like 3 people stretched out to resemble fluid or liquid characteristics. The Font for Rio 2016 is liquefied. Note the Olympic 5 circles.

Logo For 2016 Olympics in Rio.

Album Cover For "The River" Released 10/17/1980 (99)

Logo For The River Tour 2016 (36 years later)

Carter Was Wrong Last Time: Should We Trust Him Again???

"The Mother Of All V's". Note this "V" presentation is just before the Virginia Title Game Win. Note the 10/03/2018 high that he refers to, that I have shown you many times.

Notice the numbers on the left. The top one equals 45 (and if you add all three they equal 31). The top will be either on 5/22 or 5/ month. I believe that 5/22 is the earliest it will happen, and 5/31 is my second pick now, and it may become my first pick with a little more time and research.

Carter Worth Just Before Virginia Title Game Win

Monday, April 8, 2019

NCAA 2019: What Have We Learned: Neal P Is A Half-Ass Accurate Flake

Update: I have the whole ball of wax coming up. It is all there, I just misread some of it. Some of it I got right. It is that simple.

You can scour YouTube and all of the blogs. I have rarely if ever seen anyone go over and review their mistakes, and believe me the internet at large makes far more mistakes than I do. You can't learn, and show others as well, unless you learn from mistakes.

Looks like the "V" was for "Virginia" after all. This is what I saw, long before Selection Sunday and I probably should have just stayed with it the whole time. They "V's" Were all over the intra-day chart yesterday as well. If I have not proven that sports are rigged, then stay tuned for The Masters.

Note on the chart below the 7 points. The first point was on 10/03/2019 or the very top so far and the day of the FEMA Presidential Alert Text that many of us received. The 7th point will be either on 5/22 or 5/31. (231 or 240 days later). 79 or 16. Trump = 7.

Total For Last NCAA Basketball Game Ever

Dow Jones Close On 4/8/2019

You And Your Homes Will Be Underwater: That's H2O Water, Not Mortgage Water

They are telling you what is coming. Your houses will be underwater. You need to read the story. Every city in this story may not end up "under water", however many of them will, including Fayetteville, NC. They will flood us by destroying the dams and reservoirs, and also by creating tidal waves along all of our coastlines. They caused the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and they will cause tidal waves on our shores....How??? It is called explosives my friends. I ask you this question. What do you think will happen to the coast of Michigan or Illinois if very high power explosives are dropped into or detonated into Lake Michigan??? That is exactly what they are going to do. (The are going to do it to all five Great Lakes. Have I not shown you the importance of the number five yet...5,41,14,23,32???

Lake Randleman, NC was created in the last 20 years just for the purpose of flooding "The House in the Horseshoe", and for adding to the Cape Fear River Flood that will inundate Fayetteville and Wilmington.

Fayetteville State University will be inundated and more than likely Fort Bragg will be as well. Nearly all "Historically Black Universities", especially the ones linked to the "Thurgood Marshall Fund" will be inundated and destroyed. If you or anyone you know sends your children to one of these schools, you need to remove them. You have been warned. It is up to you now.

The "V" = TT: The "M" = UVA: But Who Will Win???

I had it wrong to begin with, which is why I mistakenly thought the "M" preceding the "V" stood for Michigan.The large "M" to the left of the large "V" stands for Virginia. Virginia's logo is comprised of a "V" plus an "X" made up of two swords. V = 4. The "V" that is purposefully drawn as a much larger component of what would be a proportionate "M". The V atop the M stands for the V in the Virginia Logo. The M itself plus the two long lower candle wicks stand for the 42 or 24 that is the letter X that is the Crossing Swords.

V = letter 22. TT = 22. The "V" stands for Texas Tech.

Now the big to use this to tell who is going to win. The Virginia logo representation comes before Texas Tech. Does this mean Virginia will win. Now as best I can tell, sports scores are usually shown with the winning score first. Conversely, before a game has started, when showing who the teams will be, the home team is always listed to the right. But that is before the game. During and after the game I believe it is correct to list the highest score first. But...does any or all of this even matter??? I don't know, but I feel strongly about what the letters below stand for.

Since "V" also stands for "Victory" and the huge "V" is right in the center of this manipulated and purposefully drawn stock chart, and if this is an indicator then Texas Tech will win.

My call is this: Texas Tech will win, but if they don't, it will be very, very apparent as to what they were trying to tell us, and we will easily be able to learn from it. And...if the Virginia game on Saturday was not enough to prove that sports are rigged then I do not know what to do. And, if sports are rigged, then that is a form of lying, control and manipulation, and if they will do it with sports they will do it with anything. I am going to do a follow up post after the game sometime, to tie it all together and learn.

Folks it is this simple...They give you Tabloids to make you think they are the only liars and that CNN, Fox and the rest are reputable. They give you Wrestling to make you think that is the only rigged sport. This is how Manipulation and psychology work.

Dow Close On Friday, 4/5/2019

Texas Tech And Virginia Logos

Friday, April 5, 2019

Businesses And Their Employees Will Perish In An Instant: Amazon Will Murder Their Employees

This BS story that happened right on the Missouri River, downstream from several of the largest reservoirs in this country is alluding to the deaths of businesses, their owners, their employees. You can see the location at the confluence of the Heart and Missouri Rivers. They are going to murder your college students. They are going to murder entire families. They are going to destroy and murder entire businesses and their employees. Amazon will murder their employees at their warehouses and Whole Foods employees. YMCA will murder their employees. YMCA will become neighborhood FEMA camps (I have a story on this coming up).

Fort Peck Lake: 18.6 million acre feet
Lake Sakakawea: 23.8  million acre feet
Lake Mead (largest in USA for comparison): 26.1 million acre feet

Mandan, ND Downstream From Lake Sakakawea And Fort Peck Lake

Mandan, ND Confluence Of Heart And Missouri Rivers

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024