Friday, May 3, 2019

UNCC Charlotte Shooting: Bullshit: Proof Is Right Here

Please read my post on Charlotte, NC, Cowans Ford and the destruction of Lake Norman, NC that I just did a couple of weeks ago. Talk about timing and God Working. I am a "Real Man" and a "Real Man Of God" and I am not ashamed of it. I am proud to be a believer. I have seen the miracles already over the last few years. Get your kids out of this school, out of Clemson, out of USC Columbia and all of the rest now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

Note It Is 2 and 4. September 11. No Grief Here.
Note the Indian Woman. No grief. Look at the chart below. Her expression is tough. She is "Alert" and also very "Neutral" otherwise. The two hugging is not grief. These two are not companions and they do not know each other all that well, or they are completely fake here. The hug is one of "Well you are here, and I want you to think I like you, so I will "touch" my arms to your back and make it look like a real hug". This is a "hug of looks", it is not real. They are applying no pressure to each others bodies with their arms and hands as a real loving hug would be. The lady on the right is forcing a grief look, but you can not fake it. Her hand placement over her arms tells of "What do I do now" When people start placing one hand, arm or body part on another, on purpose as is here, they are bored or do not know what to do next...except fidget which is what that woman is doing...fidgeting while she walks, cause the camera and all eyes are on her to play the part.

Notice this happened two days before classes end folks. They are going to murder your college students. If you send your student back here in August 2019, they will likely perish, and if they don't they will live through hell like you have no idea. (There has already been another shooting since the UNCC BS, right across the street at an apartment complex.) This is how they operate. They always have a second less important hoax right after (a day or two or three) the primary hoax. Remember Orlando Pulse, then two days later the gator that ate the boy. This is how it works.

4/30/2019 = 73. The next part you have to take my word...I was behind on this so I can not find it, but the one of the main ambulances that they used, and was pictured in the stories was number 73. They are going to destroy two reservoirs with highway 73 running right under the is huge and northwest of this school - Lake Norman. The other is directly north and much smaller. They will both be destroyed. Charlotte, NC including UNCC will be flooded and many will die. Take your kids out of this school. Take them out of college now.

Go ahead and think I am cruel. Think I am crazy. You are crazy if you leave your kids in this school or any other college. This is about 73, it is all over this bullshit hoax, and it is about NC Highway 73 that I showed you goes right under two dams just above this school. They are going to murder your college students....the New World Order, your government...not some pissed off 20 year old living with his mother.

I did not know this happened until Wednesday. I have been extra busy, and I actually do not watch news. I do not own a TV. These two faces below are all you need. It is a fucking drill.

Facial Expressions Do Not Lie. I could stop with this one photo, but I am not. Look at the two boys below. Look at their arms, hands...they are not in a fucking hurry, they are not fucking scared.

If you think you knew these did not. You think you knew them, but how many students go there that you know a face and name and nothing else. That is the oldest argument, but it is exactly how they scam you. It is psycology folks. I will post more, but this photo is a joke and I can not believe the American people can not see it.

No fear or grief or urgency below. Point blank, plain and simple...this is a drill that they told you was a real shooting. The students (most) thought it was real. No one died, no one got hurt...not at UNCC Charlotte. If the two students are dead, they were taken away and murdered, but more than likely it is a complete hoax. Note Taylor Terrell with same last name, that I showed you was murder. She was murdered one day before her birthday on 7/21/2016 (73!!!) More to follow...

Both Expressions Here Show Humor. No Grief. No Fear. Nothing Urgent Here

Expressions Do Not Lie

Terrell = 45. Just like Tiger Woods. Just like the MW on the stock market. Just like September 11, 2019. Just like 27000. Andrew, just like Andrew Jackson.

Trystan Andrew Terrell

The Woman They Told You Slipped And Died On Rainbow Falls

UNCC BS Hoax To 9/11/2019

George Washington Inauguration To UNCC BS Hoax

Battle Of Charlotte To UNCC BS Hoax

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024