Sunday, May 12, 2019

Hard Boiled Eggs Heal Bruises And Tissue: God Gave Us Real Medicine: Proof Here

Boiled Eggs should never be "rubbed on a bruise", they should always be eaten, for tissue (damage or burn) and bruise repair. Vitamin E, Burn Plant, Colloidal Silver, Iodine should be put on wounds directly. Vitamin E will usually cause minor burn symptoms (pain, burning) to disappear in less than 5 minutes. And Vitamin E will cause the wound to heal much faster...1 or 2 days tops. Dr. Coldwell is one of the very few medical doctors that I will listen to. Why, because he knows the entire medical system is a brainwashing, money making power scheme. Money and not health is first in the medical fields. He knows for a fact that high boiled egg intake is the best healing mechanism for burn patients. Just look up eggs and their nutrition folks. I have been eating 1-3 eggs per day, all of my life. Cholesterol, Vitamin E, B Vitamins are 3 of the best wound healing nutrients available.

Yesterday I went for mountain hike at Hanging Rock State Park. After beginning back down the mountain we stopped to eat. I had one boiled egg. It had begun to rain, so I made the mistake of rushing down the mountain, which helped cause me to twist my ankle. It was so bad that I fell to the ground and stayed there for a couple of minutes. I thought I had a severe fracture at first. My daughter has never seen me injured like this. She started crying and asking me if I was OK. She was not concerned with her safety at all. Unless I am dead, she knows she is safe with me. She was genuinely concerned about me because I was in pain and on the ground.

After getting up, I had to walk about 1.5 miles or so, back to my vehicle. Until the last few hundred feet it was not nearly as bad as I thought it was back when it happened.

By the time I got home a couple of hours later though, I could put almost no weight on my foot. I thought it was either a Grade 2 or Grade 3 Sprain at that time.

So then I ate 3 more boiled eggs because I know that they heal. I thought I would have to walk on crutches for possibly more than a week. After eating the eggs we watched a movie while my leg was stretched out. By the time the movie had ended I could already walk without crutches. I did take Ibuprofen too, but I took that right after the accident as well, and the swelling continued. Throughout the night with no more Ibuprofen my swelling kept going down. This morning I am hobbling but I have not used the crutches since eating the eggs and then resting.

What I thought was a Grade 3 sprain is likely a Grade 1. I promise you that I will hike the same trail completely, in less than a month from now. I am getting ready to eat 3 more boiled eggs this morning. I will update soon.

This was the first sprain that I have ever had, even though I twist my left ankle way too much when walking. It must be the way I walk plus maybe the fact that I have done so much walking and ankle twisting in my life.

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