Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Four Shills Exposed: What Are Shills And What Is Their Purpose???

What is a shill? A shill is a person, or other entity made up of persons, whose purpose is to first gain your confidence and trust by presenting themselves and their information in a way that is aligned with your values and with topics that align with your interests. In other words a shill is one who makes you think that they really like or believe in what they are telling you, when they actually are your enemy and are working for your enemy. A shill is "A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing". The NRA is another classic example of a shill, in fact one that is an entity made up of multiple people. The NRA is not FOR the second just think they are. They are to distract you and get you to buy as many "Over the counter" guns as possible. All guns, that they can trace, and no food and no other knowledge. The NRA knows what is coming but they are not telling you.

The number one goal of shills is to keep you uninformed while making you think you are getting the information you need.

Case in point: With the first lady below she is showing you how to catch minnows to make an emergency meal. All good and fine. And it is good info. But this is not what you need to know. It is useful info, and it may actually help you survive in the future. But it will not help you survive nearly as much as the whole truth, that she knows, but is withholding from you. What is that truth??? That the SHTF that is coming is going to be nothing like she is presenting. And there is a date attached to it, that again she knows but is not telling you.

What the Girl In The Woods should be telling you, and all of the others below is that 9/11/2019 is when the Hell will begin and that you should prepare the most by preparing for "Bugging In" and not "Bugging Out". And she should be telling you to get you and your loved ones away from coastlines and rivers and reservoirs, but she is not. Should you have a plan for "Bugging Out"? I guess so, but when the power goes out and the shit hits the fan, are you going to proceed like this...Power went out honey, the shit is hitting the fan, get ready to go to the woods...WTF people. Or will you realistically say to your companion...The power just went out, lets get out the candles and batteries and get ready to endure right here.

Does this mean you shouldn't watch these channels. Absolutely not, you can glean a lot of knowledge by these folks. Just remember that "Bugging Out" is a last resort situation and that if you are in Columbia, SC or Sacramento, CA on 9/11/2019, all of the survival videos in the world will not help you. You absolutely will not survive in downtown Columbia, SC when Lake Murray is destroyed.

How to know a shill? All of the folks that have been on TV shows are shills. All of the folks that get hundreds of thousands of views that have major sponsors...are shills. Technically anyone that knows the truth and withholds it while presenting you with a distraction is a shill.

Who might not be a shill? David Pearson and ReallyBigMonkey1 may not be. He is a good example of a "Good Ole Boy" that loves the woods and may not actually know when or what SHTF will be. He says on his show that he is not about "Prepping".

The biggest shill below is probably David Canterbury. Why??? Because he attracts the most people that could be classified as "would be resistance" but will not be because after watching Canterbury he makes the mistake of thinking that is all he needs to know. Canterbury serves the same job as Trump. To keep the Bible Thumping, Gun Toting Rednecks from knowing what they really need to. It is really this simple folks. I have absolutely nothing but disdain for all four of these folks below, but I still watch their videos to learn, and for entertainment.

Of all four below the one that gives you the most valuable info is Canadian Prepper. He gives you everything you need to know except the date and what is most likely to happen, unfortunately two of the most important things you need to know. But he does tell you much better how to prepare than the others. The other 3 will have have you very good at surviving in the woods, but awful at surviving what is really coming. Very few of us may actually survive very long my friends, but our job is to try and especially to try and protect our children.

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