Thursday, May 30, 2019

Dow Jones Is Drawing A Bullhead: 911

Note: One thing that should help you all to see that this is a "something"...that I think is a "bullhead", that they are drawing, and not just a "crash"....just look at the large grand "V" in the middle to the left. Look at how deep that went, how fast, how large some of the daily drops were and you can see that the action during this (current) letter or "bullhead" is much less severe telling me that it is not going to be as large but more importantly it is not crashing. You can call it a "W-V" because that is what it is too, but make no mistake, if they do draw this "W" with a "V" in the is a bullhead

Do not be surprised if this 212 bullhead nose also has 3 long lower wicks my friends. It will be candle one with long wick, candle two no wick, candle three in the middle with long wick, candle four no wick, candle five long wick. As much as I have contempt for these bastards...this would be the perfect drawing of all time on the stock charts. Bullhead (911) with 5 (23) candle nose, and with 3 long lower wicks (2019). We shall see.

Update: After looking at the stock chart, and thinking about the NBA finals, I think it will be a five series game. If they indeed draw a 212 bullhead's nose, then the NBA finals will be a 5 series game or 4 Toronto, 1 Golden State

I apologize folks, I forgot that the intraday charts pretty much go away after day 1. You can slide back the chart but it will never look the same as the day of. Below is chart from 5/29 then  yesterday showing bullheads on each chart. I realize the futures are down this morning. Yesterday I though it would be a 3 candle nose or "very tip" of the bullhead, but with the futures down this morning, I believe it will be a 5 candle nose...212, with one long wick or candle in the middle. We shall see...this could always be a "fool's bullhead" just as I thought the "W" was a fool's "W". But this is not how they usually operate, because there is not that many to fool, and I actually think this is one way they get messages to "Their Own".



I find it very significant that the first NBA final game of 2019 ended with 1 scores on each side, totaling 911, on a day that equals 911 (533), and while they are drawing a bullhead. Folks, if I am right about the bullhead, and the amount of points at the top, then my thinking this would be a 7 game series could be wrong. That is the only reason, as I am not a sports analyst. I do not look at enough stats and data to call these games because you do need the other numbers too. But there always one and only one huge reason that "their" team wins, and that always has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with sports or talent or ability. In this case it is about the "predatory bird" and the "gold" and the "New World Order" killing us, taking over the rest of us, and stealing all of the gold.

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024