Thursday, May 16, 2019

Trump Declares Emergency Against Power Grid, Cell Phone Grid, Water Grid

This is a typical type of pun they use to tell you what their real plans are, but they make you think that it is about something far less sinister, such as "proprietary information theft" which is total bullshit. The New World Order controls all of this information, in China, in USA, in Russia, everywhere. What they are telling you is on 9/11 there will be a crisis involving American Technology and that technology is your everyday convenience and survival. (Power, Water, Phone, Travel)

Not much to say here, except they are telling you that on "Emergency Day" (9/11) there  will be an emergency and it will be against all of the technology we use on a daily basis...Power, Phone, Vehicle Travel, Municipal Water
911 = Emergency
Emergency = 911
"Emergency" = 923 or 9/11/2001, 9/11/2019

The numbers 911 were specifically begun as emergency numbers, just for the dates 9/11/2001 and 9/1/2019 so all of America would be associating the numbers 911 with emergency.

When they answer the phone I believe most answer..."911 please state your emergency".

Stock Market Is Shrinking (Getting Ready To Crash): Crash Begins Monday, April 15, 2024